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Member Since 30 Jul 2011
Offline Last Active Private

Posts I've Made

In Topic: C&C:R Mod manager 3.0 prototype design

31 July 2011 - 01:18 PM

wooo first! lol hola :3

In Topic: Debut of Ion Storms in C&C:R

31 July 2011 - 01:13 PM

why can't the original functionality of the ion storm be restored totally? i know weather storm replaced it, but since you have replaced the Weather storm already with a clone, means you can use the original again for stuff... right? by the way, what about meteor showers?

In Topic: Campaign List status

31 July 2011 - 01:07 PM

excelente... es posible talvez restaurar el sistema de seleccion por region del command and conquer tiberian sun, donde uno escogia en un mapa la siguiente mission y esta afectaba las siguientes?

excelent, is it possible maybe to resote the map seleccion funcionatlity by region used in TS as to allow you to choose your next mission on a map, and that depending on what you choose the next mission is affected?

In Topic: Bio Warrior's durability

31 July 2011 - 01:05 PM

reminds me of certain desolator troops from red alert 3