This is an excellent LOTR era roster for Erebor but I was REALLY hoping we would get Prince Bard II of Dale.
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Member Since 27 Aug 2011Offline Last Active Jan 09 2022 08:42 PM
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In Topic: Erebor Faction Plan
26 November 2020 - 02:10 PM
In Topic: Problem with new horde
20 October 2020 - 11:58 AM
For anyone having the same problem, I found my solution. There was nothing wrong with the miner's code, it was the mineshaft code that needed an extra line of code to be able to properly produce units. Here is the tutorial on how to do it:
In Topic: Problem with new horde
17 October 2020 - 11:07 AM
To save everyone some time, I tried spawning the unit from the Dwarven Barracks and it worked just fine. The issue is with the mine being used as the unit's production building. If anyone knows how to fi this, that would be cool. Until then, I'll just use the Hall of Warriors to train my miners.
In Topic: Problem with new horde
15 October 2020 - 11:15 AM
@Symonius: Sure thing!
;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ; ; DwarvenMiner.ini ; ;------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; Object DwarvenMiner ; *** ART Parameters *** SelectPortrait = UPDwarvenMiner ButtonImage = BDFortress_Porter Draw = W3DHordeModelDraw ModuleTag_01 OkToChangeModelColor = Yes StaticModelLODMode = Yes ; specify options for static LODs LodOptions = LOW AllowMultipleModels = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_MODELS_LOW MaxRandomTextures = MAX_RANDOM_TEXTURES_LOW MaxRandomAnimations = MAX_RANDOM_ANIMATIONS_LOW MaxAnimFrameDelta = MAX_ANIM_FRAME_DELTA_LOW End LodOptions = MEDIUM AllowMultipleModels = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_MODELS_MED MaxRandomTextures = MAX_RANDOM_TEXTURES_MED MaxRandomAnimations = MAX_RANDOM_ANIMATIONS_MED MaxAnimFrameDelta = MAX_ANIM_FRAME_DELTA_MED End LodOptions = HIGH AllowMultipleModels = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_MODELS_HIGH MaxRandomTextures = MAX_RANDOM_TEXTURES_HIGH MaxRandomAnimations = MAX_RANDOM_ANIMATIONS_HIGH MaxAnimFrameDelta = MAX_ANIM_FRAME_DELTA_HIGH End WadingParticleSys = WaterRipplesTrail ; used when the unit is wading in shallow water. ;;================ MODELS ================================================================= DefaultModelConditionState Model = EUDwarfMin_SKN Skeleton = EUDwarfMin_SKL End ModelConditionState WEAPONSET_PLAYER_UPGRADE Model = EUDwarfMin_SKN Skeleton = EUDwarfMin_SKL End ModelConditionState = USER_4 ; This state is used in cinematics to get the old style armor Model = EUDwarfMin_SKN Skeleton = EUDwarfMin_SKL End ;;=============== ANIMATIONS =============================================================== ;;======= FALLING & FLYING ; AnimationState = PASSENGER ; Animation = Grabbed ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_LEPB ; Don't have real flailing anim, needs to be replaced ; AnimationMode = LOOP ; End ; End AnimationState = THROWN_PROJECTILE Animation = FlyA AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = FREEFALL Animation = Falling AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP AnimationBlendTime = 10 End End AnimationState = STUNNED_FLAILING Animation = FlyA AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_FLYA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = DYING SPLATTED Animation = Splatted_On_Ground AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_LNDA AnimationMode = ONCE End EnteringStateFX = FX_OrcHitGround End AnimationState = DYING Animation = DIEB AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_DIEB AnimationMode = ONCE End Animation = DIEC AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_DIEB AnimationMode = ONCE End End ;;======= LANDING & STANDING AnimationState = STUNNED_STANDING_UP Animation = GTPA AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_GTPA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 1.5 1.5 End End AnimationState = STUNNED Animation = Slatted_On_Ground AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_LNDA AnimationMode = ONCE End EnteringStateFX = FX_OrcHitGround End AnimationState = MOVING FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A ShareAnimation = Yes Animation = RunAndFire AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_ATRA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End ;;====== TERROR AnimationState = MOVING EMOTION_TERROR EMOTION_LOOK_TO_SKY ;@@@KM Add distance Animation = TerrorFromTheSky AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP End Animation = TerrorFromTheSky AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = MOVING EMOTION_TERROR ;@@@KM Add distance Animation = TerrorFromTheSky AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_RUNA AnimationMode = ONCE End Animation = TerrorFromTheSky AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_RUNA AnimationMode = ONCE End Flags = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE End ;;======= BACK UP AnimationState = MOVING BACKING_UP ;@@@KM Add distance Animation = BAKA AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP End Flags = RANDOMSTART End AnimationState = MOVING ATTACKING ShareAnimation = Yes; Animation = RUNA AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP Distance = 25 End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails End AnimationState = MOVING CHARGING ShareAnimation = Yes; Animation = RUNB AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP Distance = 30 ;AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.5 0.5 End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails End AnimationState = MOVING ;@@@KM - Add Distance ShareAnimation = Yes; Animation = RUNB AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_RUNA AnimationMode = LOOP Distance = 30 End Flags = RANDOMSTART ;ParticleSysBone = None InfantryDustTrails End ;;======= UNCONTROLLABLY AFRAID ; This is before Attacking so it overrides it. Normal fear is below so you don't go to little-fear in between swings. AnimationState = EMOTION_UNCONTROLLABLY_AFRAID Animation = FERA AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_CHRA ; Don't have real fear, needs to be replaced AnimationMode = LOOP End End ;;---------------------- ATTACKING ---------------------------------------------------------------- AnimationState = FIRING_OR_PREATTACK_A Animation = ATK1 AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_ATKA AnimationMode = ONCE UseWeaponTiming = Yes End ;ParticleSysBone = None MeleeDust End AnimationState = ATTACKING Animation = ALERT_1 AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLA AnimationMode = LOOP End End ;;----------------- HIT REACTIONS ------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; AnimationState = HIT_REACTION ; Animation = HITA ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_HITA ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ; End ;;----------------- EMOTIONS ---------------------------------------------------------------- ;;======= APPREHENSIVE ; AnimationState = EMOTION_ALERT EMOTION_AFRAID ; Animation = APPA ; AnimationName = GUManMocap_APPA ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ; Animation = APPB ; AnimationName = GUManMocap_APPB ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ; Flags = RANDOMSTART RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE ; End ;;======= AFRAID ; AnimationState = EMOTION_AFRAID ; Animation = FERA ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_CHRA ; Don't have real fear, needs to be replaced ; AnimationMode = LOOP ; End ; End ;;======== POINTING ; AnimationState = EMOTION_POINTING ; Animation = Pointing1 ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_CHRA ; Don't have real pointing anim, needs to be replaced ; AnimationMode = LOOP ; End ; End ;;======= TAUNTING ; AnimationState = EMOTION_TAUNTING ; Animation = Taunting1 ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_CHRA ; Don't have real taunting anim, needs to be replaced ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ; Flags = RANDOMSTART RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE ; End ;;======= CELEBRATING ; AnimationState = EMOTION_CELEBRATING ; Animation = CHRA ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_CHRA ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ; Animation = CHRB ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_CHRB ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ; Animation = IDLD ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLD ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; End ; Flags = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE ; End ;;----------------- ALERT STATE --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnimationState = EMOTION_ALERT Animation = ALERT_1 AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLA AnimationMode = LOOP;ONCE AnimationPriority = 10 End Flags = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE ; acts like an idle animation & keeps running the animations. End ;;----------------- SELECTED STATES ----------------------------------------------------------------------- AnimationState = SELECTED StateName = STATE_Selected Animation = ATNB AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_ATNB AnimationMode = LOOP End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_IdleToSelected") end if CurDrawableModelcondition("ATTACKING") then return "IDLA" else return "ATNA" end EndScript BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Idle" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_IdleToSelected") end EndScript End ;;----------------- IDLE STATES --------------------------------------------------------------------------- AnimationState = WEAPONSET_PLAYER_UPGRADE StateName = STATE_Idle Animation = IDLB AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLB AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 End Animation = IDLC AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLC AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 End Animation = IDLD AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLD AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 End ; Animation = CHRA ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_CHRA ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 ; End ; Animation = CHRB ; AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_CHRB ; AnimationMode = ONCE ; AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 ; End Flags = RESTART_ANIM_WHEN_COMPLETE BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Selected" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SelectedToIdle") end EndScript End AnimationState = USER_3 StateName = STATE_User_3 Animation = GUARD_STANCE AnimationName = GUManMocap_IDLA AnimationMode = LOOP End End IdleAnimationState ;AllowRepeatInRandomPick = no ;Flags = RANDOMSTART StateName = STATE_Idle Animation = IDLA AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLA ;default idle AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 100 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 AnimationBlendTime = 15 End Animation = IDLB AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLB ;figet idle, similar to IDLA, should be used sparingly AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 10 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 AnimationBlendTime = 15 End Animation = IDLC AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLC ;bored idle --similar to IDLD but longer AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 5 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 AnimationBlendTime = 15 End Animation = IDLD AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_IDLD ;bored idle --similar to IDLC but shorter AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationPriority = 7 AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.1 AnimationBlendTime = 15 End BeginScript Prev = CurDrawablePrevAnimationState() if Prev == "STATE_Selected" then CurDrawableSetTransitionAnimState("TRANS_SelectedToIdle") end EndScript End ;;--------------- TRANSITIONS --------------------------------------------------------------------------- TransitionState = TRANS_IdleToSelected Animation = ATNA AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_ATNA AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.0 End End TransitionState = TRANS_SelectedToIdle Animation = ATNC AnimationName = EUDwarfMin_ATNC AnimationMode = ONCE AnimationSpeedFactorRange = 0.9 1.0 End End End #include "..\..\..\includes\" ;// ***DESIGN parameters *** Side = Dwarves EditorSorting = UNIT ThreatLevel = 1.0 ThingClass = HORDE_UNIT CommandPoints = 6 ;;,;; 7 ; originally 4 BountyValue = DWARVEN_GUARDIAN_BOUNTY_VALUE ;EmotionRange = 240 ;// Make sure this value is greater than the fear distribution range. TransportSlotCount = TRANSPORTSLOTCOUNT_UNIT ;;; WEAPON SETS ;;; WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY DwarvenGuardianSiegeHammer AutoChooseSources = PRIMARY FROM_PLAYER FROM_SCRIPT FROM_AI End WeaponSet ;;,;; Conditions = PLAYER_UPGRADE Weapon = PRIMARY DwarvenGuardianAxe AutoChooseSources = PRIMARY FROM_PLAYER FROM_SCRIPT FROM_AI End ;;,;; WeaponSet ;;,;; Conditions = WEAPONSET_TOGGLE_1 ;;,;; Weapon = PRIMARY DwarvenGuardianAxe ;;,;; Weapon = SECONDARY DwarvenBatteringRam ;;,;; OnlyAgainst = SECONDARY MINE ;;,;; End ;;; ARMOR SETS ;;; ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = DwarvenAxeThrowerHeavyArmor DamageFX = NormalDamageFX End ArmorSet Conditions = PLAYER_UPGRADE Armor = DwarvenGuardianHeavyArmor ;DamageFX = NormalDamageFX End VisionRange = DWARVEN_GUARDIAN_VISION_RANGE VisionSide = 35% VisionRear = 25% VisionBonusPercentPerFoot = 2.0% MaxVisionBonusPercent = 300% VisionBonusTestRadius = 200 ShroudClearingRange = SHROUD_CLEAR_STANDARD DisplayName = OBJECT:DwarvenMiner CrushableLevel = 0 ;//What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CrusherLevel = 1 CrushWeapon = GuardianCrush CrushOnlyWhileCharging = yes ;// the guardian is only supposed to crush during his special charge ability MinCrushVelocityPercent = 50% ;// Has to be moving at least xx% of full speed CrushDecelerationPercent = 90% ;// Lose xx% max velocity when crushing -- thus they only crush 1 row of infantry CrushKnockback = 40 ;// how hard we knock back crushed units. CrushZFactor = 1.0 ;// How much we knock upwards. CrushRevengeWeapon = BasicInfantryCrushRevenge CommandSet = DwarvenMinerCommandSet ;//--- AUDIO Parameters --- ;VoiceAmbushed = DwarfGuardianVoiceAmbushed VoiceAttack = DwarfGuardianVoiceAttack VoiceAttackCharge = DwarfGuardianVoiceAttackCharge VoiceAttackMachine = DwarfGuardianVoiceAttack VoiceAttackStructure = DwarfGuardianVoiceAttackBuilding VoiceCreated = DwarfGuardianVoiceSalute VoiceFullyCreated = DwarfGuardianVoiceSalute VoiceGuard = DwarfGuardianVoiceMove VoiceMove = DwarfGuardianVoiceMove VoiceMoveToCamp = DwarfGuardianVoiceMoveCamp VoiceMoveWhileAttacking = DwarfGuardianVoiceDisengage VoicePriority = 47 VoiceRetreatToCastle = DwarfGuardianVoiceRetreat VoiceSelect = DwarfGuardianVoiceSelectMS VoiceSelectBattle = DwarfGuardianVoiceSelectBattle VoiceEnterStateAttack = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateAttack VoiceEnterStateAttackCharge = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateAttackCharge VoiceEnterStateAttackMachine = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateAttackBuilding VoiceEnterStateAttackStructure = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateAttackBuilding VoiceEnterStateMove = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateMove VoiceEnterStateMoveToCamp = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateMoveCamp VoiceEnterStateMoveWhileAttacking = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateDisengage VoiceEnterStateRetreatToCastle = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateRetreat SoundImpact = ImpactHorse UnitSpecificSounds VoiceGarrison = DwarfGuardianVoiceMoveGarrison VoiceEnterUnitElvenTransportShip = DwarfGuardianVoiceMoveShip VoiceInitiateCaptureBuilding = DwarfGuardianVoiceCaptureBuilding ;VoiceEnterStateInitiateCaptureBuilding = End #include "..\..\..\includes\" CrowdResponseKey = Dwarf Behavior = LargeGroupAudioUpdate ModuleTag_LGAU Key = Humanoid_Male Dwarf Dwarf_Male Dwarf_Guardian End ClientBehavior = ModelConditionAudioLoopClientBehavior ModuleTag_foo ModelCondition = Required:EMOTION_CELEBRATING Excluded:DYING ENGAGED Sound:EmotionDwarfCompilationVoxCheerSinglesLoop ;MOVING ATTACKING ModelCondition = Required:EMOTION_POINTING Excluded:DYING ENGAGED Sound:EmotionDwarfCompilationVoxTauntSinglesLoop ;MOVING ATTACKING ModelCondition = Required:EMOTION_TAUNTING Excluded:DYING ENGAGED Sound:EmotionDwarfCompilationVoxTauntSinglesLoop ;MOVING ATTACKING ModelCondition = Required:RAISING_FLAG Excluded:DYING ENGAGED Sound:EmotionDwarfCompilationVoxTauntSinglesLoop End ; Change selection sounds based on upgrades ClientBehavior = UpgradeSoundSelectorClientBehavior ModuleTag_UpgradeSoundSelector SoundUpgrade = Upgrade_DwarvenSiegeHammer ; EVERYTHING on this line must be present ;ExcludedUpgrades = Upgrade_OpenGarrison Upgrade_TrebuchetTurret ; NOTHING on this line can be present VoiceAttack = DwarfGuardianVoiceAttackHammer VoiceAttack = DwarfGuardianVoiceEnterStateAttackHammer End End ClientBehavior = AnimationSoundClientBehavior ModuleTag_AnimAudioBehavior MaxUpdateRangeCap = 800 ; AnimationSound = Sound: TauntHumanHitShield Animation:GUMAArms_SKL.GUManMocap_IDLC Frames: 17 27 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallOrc Animation:EUDWARFGUA_SKL.EUDWARFGUA_LNDA Frames:4 ; AnimationSound = Sound:AxeDropSoundHere! Animation:EUDWARFGUA_SKL.EUDWARFGUA_DIEA Frames:8 ;axe falls AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGeneric2 Animation:EUDWARFGUA_SKL.EUDWARFGUA_DIEA Frames:45 ; AnimationSound = Sound:AxeDropSoundHere! Animation:EUDWARFGUA_SKL.EUDWARFGUA_DIEB Frames:8 ;axe falls AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGeneric2 Animation:EUDWARFGUA_SKL.EUDWARFGUA_DIEB Frames:28 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGeneric2 Animation:EUDWARFGUA_SKL.EUDWARFGUA_DIEC Frames:45 End ; *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = PRELOAD SELECTABLE CAN_CAST_REFLECTIONS INFANTRY PATH_THROUGH_EACH_OTHER SCORE THROWN_OBJECT ATTACK_NEEDS_LINE_OF_SIGHT NOTIFY_OF_PREATTACK GRAB_AND_DROP Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 CheerRadius = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS MaxHealth = DWARVEN_GUARDIAN_HEALTH MaxHealthDamaged = DWARVEN_GUARDIAN_HEALTH_DAMAGED BurningDeathBehavior = Yes BurningDeathFX = FX_InfantryBurningFlame End ;//-----UPGRADES------ ;--Weapon-- Behavior = WeaponSetUpgrade WeaponSetUpgradeModuleTagGuardian TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarvenSiegeHammer ;;,;; Upgrade_DwarvenForgedBlades ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarvenForgedBlades ;,; Uncommented ;;,;; End Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade ForgedBlade_UpgradeGuardian TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarvenForgedBlades ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarvenSiegeHammer ;;,;; ShowSubObjects = Forged_Blade End ;--Siege Hammer Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade SiegeHammer_UpgradeGuardian TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarvenSiegeHammer ConflictsWith = Upgrade_DwarvenForgedBlades ;,; Uncommented ;;,;; HideSubObjects = axe shield HideSubObjects = Forged_Blade ;;,;; ShowSubObjects = hammer1 End ;--Armor-- Behavior = ArmorUpgrade ArmorUpgradeModuleTagGuardian TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarvenMithrilMail ArmorSetFlag = PLAYER_UPGRADE ;KillArmorUpgrade = Yes ;This cancels any previous armor upgrade. End Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade Armor_UpgradeGuardian TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarvenMithrilMail UpgradeTexture = EUDwarfGua.tga 0 EUDwarfGua_HA.tga ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; TEMPORARY TEXTURE, NEEDS FIXING. RecolorHouse = Yes ExcludeSubobjects = Forged_Blade End Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS MoodAttackCheckRate = 500 AILuaEventsList = DwarvenGuardianFunctions MinCowerTime = 3000 MaxCowerTime = 5000 AttackPriority = AttackPriority_Cavalry BurningDeathTime = BURNINGDEATH_DURATION_INFANTRY End LocomotorSet Locomotor = HumanSpecialChargeLocomotor Condition = SET_NORMAL Speed = NORMAL_FOOT_SLOW_MEMBER_SPEED End LocomotorSet Locomotor = BurningDeathLocomotorInfantry Condition = SET_BURNINGDEATH Speed = BURNINGDEATH_WANDERSPEED_INFANTRY End Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04 GravityMult = 1.0 ShockStunnedTimeLow = 1400 ;msec ShockStunnedTimeHigh = 2400 ;msec ShockStandingTime = 666 ;msec End Behavior = AttributeModifierUpgrade ModuleTag_AMU TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorFighterFearless AttributeModifier = FearlessForever End ;;,;; Removed ;Behavior = AttributeModifierUpgrade ModuleTag_SHU ; TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarvenSiegeHammer ; AttributeModifier = DwarvenSiegeHammer ;End Behavior = SquishCollide ModuleTag_06 ;//nothing End Behavior = HordeMemberCollide ModuleTag_HMC ;//nothing End ; Behavior = HitReactionBehavior HitReactionBehaviorModuleTag ; HitReactionLifeTimer1 = 2500 ; level 1 (light damage) hit reaction animations in ms ; HitReactionLifeTimer2 = 2500 ; level 2 (medium damage) hit reaction animations in ms ; HitReactionLifeTimer3 = 2500 ; level 3 (heavy damage) hit reaction animations in ms ; HitReactionThreshold1 = 5.0 ; level 1 (light damage) threshold trigger ; HitReactionThreshold2 = 25.0 ; level 2 (medium damage) threshold trigger ; HitReactionThreshold3 = 50.0 ; level 3 (heavy damage) threshold trigger ; FastHitsResetReaction = Yes If set -- when hits occur faster than the reaction animations, it will reset the animation. (like getting riddled with machine gun bullets) ; End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_05 DeathTypes = ALL -KNOCKBACK -FADED SinkDelay = 3000 SinkRate = 0.90 ; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 15000 Sound = INITIAL DwarfGenericVoiceDie End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_07 ;// Same as normal death, but no sound (sound already played by SoundImpact = ... ) DeathTypes = NONE +KNOCKBACK SinkDelay = 3000 SinkRate = 0.60 ; in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 10000 End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_FadeDeath DeathTypes = NONE +FADED FadeDelay = 0 FadeTime = 5000 DestructionDelay = 5000 DeathFlags = DEATH_2 ; FX = INITIAL FX_UnSummonElvenAllies Sound = INITIAL SpellGenericUnsummonMS End Behavior = BezierProjectileBehavior ModuleTag_08 ;// Module starts asleep, and wakes up when thrown. ;// To tweak a Bezier path FirstHeight = 24 ;// Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain SecondHeight = 24 FirstPercentIndent = 30% ;// Percentage of shot distance control points are placed SecondPercentIndent = 70% TumbleRandomly = Yes CrushStyle = Yes ;// I don't detonate, I just hit DieOnImpact = Yes BounceCount = 1 ;// When I hit the ground, I'll arc again BounceDistance = 40 ;// this far BounceFirstHeight = 24 ;// Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain BounceSecondHeight = 24 BounceFirstPercentIndent = 20% ;// Percentage of shot distance control points are placed BounceSecondPercentIndent = 80% GroundHitFX = FX_ThrownRockGroundHit GroundBounceFX = FX_ThrownRockBounceHit End ;//--- NEW DWARVEN CHARGE ABILITY --- Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_ChargeStarter SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityDwarvenCharge UpdateModuleStartsAttack = Yes InitiateSound = DwarfGuardianBullRushMS End #include "..\..\..\includes\" ;;,;; Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModuleTag_commandGuardian ;;,;; TriggeredBy = Upgrade_DwarvenForgedBlades Upgrade_DwarvenSiegeHammer ;;,;; RequiresAllTriggers = Yes ;;,;; CommandSet = DwarvenGuardianHordeToggleCommandSet ;;,;; End Geometry = CYLINDER GeometryMajorRadius = 8.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 8.0 GeometryHeight = 19.2 GeometryIsSmall = No Shadow = SHADOW_DECAL ShadowSizeX = 19; ShadowSizeY = 19; ShadowTexture = ShadowI; End
In Topic: Problem with new horde
05 October 2020 - 06:06 PM
Thanks for the reply! There is an Infantry tag in both the horde's code and the unit's ini.
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