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Member Since 28 Sep 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 09 2011 10:56 PM

Topics I've Started


29 September 2011 - 10:02 PM

I need a specific type of station in order to research the vessels it would produce, lvl 1 station for fighters and so forth. Makes perfect sense as you can't test a prototype without building it. now the base question is this: is there a maximum number of stations one can build so that the option to build additional stations disappears? I ask since this would free up a greater portion of the 2nd row to be able to get at research into fighters. If not, I'd have to ask how anyone else manages to research fighters? just have only a lvl 1 station?

I'd also like to point out that I'm not trying to knock the mod, just learn how to play it.

GC Landing Troops

28 September 2011 - 06:31 PM

Ok, I've vaguely figured out how to work the space stations... sorta. But how am I supposed to land troops when an AT-ST is fully capable of accurate fire ACROSS THE MAP? I am at least thankful that they have to get line of sight on me, but across the entire map?? really? I was unaware that an AT-ST mounted artillery cannons. And speaking of the AT-ST, I've seen speeder bikes move across the map slower. I'd be thankful that they at least need line of sight to fire across the map if only their spotters weren't at my LZ within 10 seconds.

Now I'm all for a good fight, don't get me wrong, but the inability to get boots on the ground kinda precludes that possibility.