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Member Since 24 Dec 2016
Offline Last Active Mar 05 2019 10:23 PM

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In Topic: Gondor Faction Plan

05 March 2019 - 10:22 PM

Hello Age of the Ring Team,

First off all i want to say thank you for doing a great job with this mod. I really like the gameplay,

your plans for the different factions and your models are by far the best i´ve seen in any

mod for this game.

I have one suggestion about the Lossanarch axeman. I´m a fan of versatility and therefore i

would find it boring to have a second Grim Hammer unit in Gondor.

I played the Games Workshop Tabletop game in the past and i remeber, that the axeman had

spikes on their axes and got the abillity to count as pikeman for one round, if the player wanted that.


That leads to my main question. Would it be possible to give them an active abillity which allows

them to count as pikeman for a short time (and maybe add spikes to the top of their axes)?


Keep up the nice work!