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Member Since 26 Oct 2011
Offline Last Active Nov 24 2018 10:02 PM

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In Topic: Campaign #1 - CORE WORLDS

17 December 2015 - 05:06 PM


I always assumed that the Torpedoes on a fighter like a Y-wing were the same as those on an X-wing, and having two more of them on a Y-wing didn't justify calling it a bomber.

on a related note, have you also modified Proton Torpedoes to enable their use against Fighters?

In Topic: Campaign #1 - CORE WORLDS

17 December 2015 - 03:51 AM

very small question. have you cut down on the number of upgrades per ship?

iirc, when all the upgrades were tallied up, there were something like 200 unique ships per side, not including non-buildables

In Topic: State of The Mod

31 October 2015 - 05:52 PM

Oh my yes....., but you can't build any more. Once they die, they are gone for ever.


to be entirely fair and honest, the only units that I can recall that made it out of the DE era were the Pursuer Enforcement Ship, the E-wing, which isn't going to get pulled any time soon, and the Howlrunner, which was relegated to a minor role in the EU, for all intents and purposes.

TIE Droids just couldn't cut it, unless in large numbers, and the manufacturing savings were let down by the poor performance of the droid brains.

Shadow Droids inherently required someone with a strong connection to the Dark Side of the Force who knew what they were doing at some point in their construction. not a whole lot of those left after the events of DE.

the SD-series droids and X-1 Vipers were probably extremely expensive to build and sell.

the aquatic vehicles like the Wave Skimmer and Amphibion were specialty vehicles, and I don't think they could be used in any mod for this game

In Topic: State of The Mod

28 October 2015 - 03:19 PM

making a mod takes time. especially when you are doing an overhaul on the scale of PR, TR, and YVAW. especially because 1, mod makers are doing this as a hobby and don't necessarily have the ability to put in 40 hours a week on this. 2 real life can be an ass at times.


hell, the YVAW guys have been putting out redone models of basically everything from Vanilla that they want to include in their mod, plus literally dozens of other units, if not in the low hundreds, with new textures, in addition to things like multiple ways to blow up planets.