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|EG| Witch-King Riding Shelob

Member Since 14 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 18 2006 11:34 PM

Topics I've Started

Collector's Edition

30 March 2006 - 11:59 PM

Is there anyway that you can allow the Collector's Edition Skins to pop up with the regular version? Wouldn't you just have to have the right .ini, and if so, which one?

I need help with my Word of Power for Saruman

04 August 2005 - 08:19 PM

Ok, I successfully created a carbon copy of Gandalf's Word of Power, except its a red, instead of blue. Looks great ingame.

But, adding it to Saruman is a little bit harder. The animation I added screwed up Saruman's other abilties. Heres the orginal code:

        AnimationState        =  SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE           
     StateName = Attacking
                AnimationName           = IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_TNTB
                AnimationMode       = ONCE
            FXEvent            = Frame:5 Name:FX_SarumanPreAttackBlast

        AnimationState          = SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE
            Animation                = Throwing Fireball
                AnimationName        = IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_ATKB
                AnimationMode        = ONCE
            FrameForPristineBonePositions = 27
         AnimationState        =  SPECIAL_WEAPON_TWO
            StateName = Attacking
                AnimationName       = IUSaruman_SKL.IUSaruman_ATKB
                AnimationMode       = ONCE
            FrameForPristineBonePositions = 27

As you can see, the Fire ball anims and the WoP anims both have SPECIAL_WEAPON_ONE as their state. When I first tried it, when I tried to use the fireball attack, Saruman started to perform his preattack FX of WoP (SarumanPreAttackBlast) and than shot out a fireball, not what was supposed to happen (he is supposed to shoot a fireball out of his staff while pointing it forward. He didnt' do that). I have tried switching around the AnimationState to SPECIAL_WEAPON_THREE, but that is a nuetral anim. I have repeatedly tried different combinations of the number of the SPECIAL_WEAPON_# code, but I always get only two of the three special powers working. It's really hard to explain what the problem is, so I attached an ini file with my new saruman. its got all of the new data into one folder. Experience vets, please see if you can fix the problem.


03 August 2005 - 11:10 PM

I mean, basically every Elven mod out there has him, and you can use Vapula's, without doing any work. But it also seems your kinda overdoing the Heros (you have like 12 for your elves). What's the verdict on Gil-Galad?

Auto Installer

13 July 2005 - 04:12 PM

How the hell do I make an auto installer? My mod got on the front page of MEV (WOOT), but everyone is complaining about not knowing how to install it. How do I make one?

Theoden's Glorious Charge

02 July 2005 - 03:09 PM

How do I make Theoden's glorious charge effect mounted Heros? I went into this code in theoden.ini:

Behavior = SpecialPowerModule ModuleTag_TheodenGloriousChargeUpdate   
  SpecialPowerTemplate      = SpecialAbilityTheodenGloriousCharge
  UpdateModuleStartsAttack  = Yes
  StartsPaused = Yes
  AttributeModifier = TheodenGloriousCharge
  AttributeModifierRange = 200
  AttributeModifierAffectsSelf = Yes
  AttributeModifierAffects = ANY +CAVALRY
  AttributeModifierFX = FX_TheodenGloriousChargeFX

And added all of the names of all of the mounted Heros (RohanEomerCavalry, RohanEowynDisguised, etc.), but it didn't work. I then tried to ad +HERO to it, but it also effects non-mounted heros (tested on a rank 2 Merry). I'm clueless at the moment. What now?