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Member Since 06 Dec 2011
Offline Last Active Sep 16 2014 01:31 PM

Topics I've Started


15 September 2014 - 03:14 PM

Hi all

Something I would love to see implemented in the future would be the use of diplomacy.
Theres been many times Ive attacked independent systems and had to to destroy their forces. I would always wish you could persuade them to be an ally. This would also make heroes like Mon Motha much more important for the early rebels.
This feature could add a new dimension to the campaigns. For instance, the rebellion could start with only a handful of planets (in GFFA) and resistance cells around the galaxy on imperial planets ( This could be done by generating stealth fleets of basic rebel soilders or resistance fighters). For the rebels to gain a foothold in the galaxy, leaders would negotiate with independent planets for support and use the splinter cells for sabotage.
I see this as a much more realistic opening for the Rebellion rather than immediately fighting the much stronger Empire- an Empire who would still have much of the holdings of the former Republic as well as military.

On the other hand, the Empire can use diplomacy in three ways:
1. Lobbying for support like the rebels. Free support- more difficult to do. The historical affiliation of a system (in the books) would play a big part in deciding is they join or not

2. Buying a systems alliegence. There, of course would be a hefty fee for the acquisition of military forces, but it is immediate instead of waiting for ships to build. You would also get space/ground facilities

3. Receiving money from a planet for protection. For instance, after a space battle is won over an independent planet, there could be an option to receive a large sum of money without invading the planet. This would act like smuggling credits for the rebellion. By doing this, the hyperspace lanes would be under your control also. Protection could also bring more importance on Sectors and Sector Fleets. After all, the Empire were not just against the Rebellion but also against pirates and much of its time was spent defending its holdings.
Both sides could benefit from proctecting other planets

I think Diplomacy could add another great dimension to campaigns because there is more to war than holstile acquisitions.

Side note: I don't know is this is possible but is there away to use a stealth force to take a planet and not have the space staions above destroyed? It would add alot more difficulty to the game. Right now taking planets by spamming it with steath platoons of troops is too easy. Maybe by taking a planet first you eliminate the risk of planetary weapons in an eventual space attack. Also, space above the planet would be a place for forces to retreat to and re-group. I have a feeling that might be a difficult thing to do as farbas programming but maybe it isnt
