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Dagalur Goth

Member Since 23 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2005 09:17 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: anims halting,

06 April 2005 - 01:12 PM

I think you missed the part where I said I didn`t know how to apply it ...
You see it was in a special ability, not in a normal attack, and I don`t know much about either :S

In Topic: Poll

25 March 2005 - 06:06 PM

I think it would be cool, in a new super extended campaign that starts in the first age, which no-one will make :( ,
but I don`t think it would be realistic in skirmish, I didn`t like it in age of empires either.

In Topic: Problem with new made hordes

25 March 2005 - 11:10 AM

Hmm if there really are 21 positions plotted that would explain why the double double hordes ( 40 ) don`t respawn their units right, but the double horde ( 20 ) doesn`t respawn right either.. :S

[checked] the hordes have the right numbers, 20 slots and 20 positions, and the big ones 40 slots and 40 positions.

And about the combo-ing code, for example the MordorArcherArcherComboHorde is a new horde I created, It itself is created by coupling to basic archerhordes, so its ONE horde on itself now, it works just fine coupling, thats not the problem.
The sound I used is just an existing one so no problems there either, do know that making the hordes couple is working ok, the problems I had was only the respawning,

O and another thing, the units don`t move away from the horde to melee attack, and yes I already increased the meleeattackleash but that didn`t help.

In Topic: Problem with new made hordes

24 March 2005 - 02:37 PM

The stuff in the hordes file I attached is only contains: original mordorfighter, mordorarcher and mordorfighterarcher combo for comparing code ( spelling ? ), and my new hordes.
Evilfactionunits coming soon

In Topic: Problem with new made hordes

23 March 2005 - 09:14 PM

I could swear that wasn`t there last time I checked, but yeah that happens to me alot ( faulty memory ) , anyways, here it is.

O and since evilfactionunits apears way to big to attach, which parts should I attach ? I guess mosly the stuff about the orc warriors and archers for now right ?

- goes to bed, getting late