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Member Since 25 Mar 2005
Offline Last Active May 07 2005 10:28 AM

Topics I've Started

anyone good at coding animations?

25 April 2005 - 07:26 PM

I added a special ability to one of hero and I want my hero to behave a certain animation when he uses that special ability, so I added an animationstate for that special ability.
However, he only does the animation when he is NOT selected. So he does the animation correctly if I unselect him (for instance clicking another unit) as soon as I activate the special ability, but he doesn't do the animation if I keep selecting him after activating the special ability.
I'm pretty sure that it's something to with AnimationState = SELECTED, so I took out AnimationState = SELECTED completely and then he does the animation even if hes selected, however it isn't a nice way because there will be no "selected" animation obviously.
Does anybody have any idea for this?

help with bloodthirsty

20 April 2005 - 06:27 AM

I'm trying to give one of my heroes a bloodthirsty ability.
So I added the following code into my hero's ini.

Behavior = BloodthirstyUpdate ModuleTag_Bloodthirsty
	;In order to sacrifice or be sacrificed, you must have a BloodthirstyUpdate
  SacrificeFilter 	 = ALL;Hordes with BloodthirstyUpdates I can sacrifice (hint: use template names)
  NumToSacrifice 	 = 5;Must sacrifice this number of units in the same horde in order to gain veterancy.
	;InitiateVoice 	 = UrukWarriorVoiceJoinOrcs
	;InitiateVoice2 	 = UrukWarriorVoiceJoinOrcsBattleChatter

and I added Command_BloodThirstySacrifice into my hero's commandset.ini.
now when I activate it, my hero starts to kill target units but he doesn't gain any experience from it. Does anybody know how to add a bloodthirsty module into an object which isn't horde.

creating MordorFellbeast by OCL

30 March 2005 - 04:23 AM

I'm trying to make a toggle between my on-foot Nazgul and fying Nazgul. I searched a lot and read a lot of topics in MEMW, and I found that the only way to make a toggle between on-foot Nazgul and flying Nazgul (or on-foot WitchKing and flying one), is to kill on-foot one once and create flying one by OCL.

So I modified ocl.ini and evilfactionunits.ini to spawn MordorFellBeast when my on-foot Nazgul dies, but MordorFellBeast doesn't get spawned. I managed to spawn other units such as normal units and heros by OCL so I'm sure that how it's written is correct. For some reason it seems that flying objects don't get spawed by OCL. Could anyone help me out?

