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Member Since 05 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Apr 05 2024 05:33 PM

Topics I've Started

Elven Wall Hub Help, Please?

10 March 2013 - 05:01 PM

Hey guys! I'm trying to make the Elven faction a bit stronger. Mainly concentrating on the walls and defensive structures. Some of you might remember that I made the Elven wall segments to be upgraded with Men Arrow Towers and Trebuchets. But of course the exterior design of these completely different buildings doesn't make this whole defensive thing nice-looking, although it's quite effective.


Now, I had an idea and I removed the Arrow Tower upgrade. Instead, I made the Wall Hub "garrisonable". So now I can garrison them with archers. But there's a problem to manage here, which I can't do alone.  :ermm:


Ok, so when the archers fire from the Hub, their arrows come out from the bottom of the structure, as if they're inside it but they're on the ground. I marked that firing spot with a red circle in the pic below. I'd like them to fire their arrows from a bit higher point, say, around the yellow circle area. I guess this has something to do with the X: Y: and Z: of the Wall Hub. Can I get some help, please? Thanks! 


Attached File  Elven Wall Hub.bmp   1.37MB   273 downloads

Help with Ents

09 March 2013 - 06:49 PM

Hey guys! I'm trying to make the Ents a bit faster. To me they are very slow, when they use rocks, so I decided to add some speed. From what I've been taught here, it has something to do with the PreAttackDelay, FiringDuration and DelayBetweenShots, right? Ok, I went to weapon.ini and found these things in RohanEnt:

PreAttackDelay    = 1100
DelayBetweenShots = 3000
FiringDuration    = 1500


I divided these numbers to 550, 1500 and 750 respectively. Now the Ents shoot their rocks 2 times faster. But the problem is that the speed, when they "pick up a rock from the ground" is the same slow motion move. I don't know how to make it fast too. Anyone who can help? Much appreciated!

Gandalf Bubble Shield Problem

04 March 2013 - 08:39 PM

Hey guys! I followed this topic - http://forums.revora...-bubble-shield/
and was able to add the Bubble to Gandalf. Everything works perfectly now. But there's one major problem. This whole thing has absolutely no effect, whatsoever... I mean I can see the bubble around him but he STILL gets damage from everything, including arrows and catapults. Am I missing something?

Balrog Animation

27 February 2013 - 08:45 AM

Hey guys! I dunno if this was asked before but anyway. So, I was playing the Moria mission of the BFME 1 the other day and I noticed that the Balrog is missing something in BFME 2 and ROTWK. When Gandalf uses his "Lightning Sword" on him, he kinda falls back and is all covered in blue lights. That doesn't happen in the BFME 2. Anyone know how can we make that animation (is it an animation?!) work for ROTWK as well? I'm posting a pic as well.


Purchasing Heroes

23 February 2013 - 12:19 PM

Hey guys! I'm trying to add Legolas to the Men Faction, so he can be purchased like all the other ones. But I experienced some problems, so I'm posting the things I changed, in hope that someone will help. Ok, I went to playertemplate.ini and added "ElvenLegolas" to the buildable heroes of the Men Faction, so now it looks like this:

BuildableHeroesMP		= CreateAHero RohanEowyn RohanEomer GondorBoromir RohanTheoden GondorFaramir GondorAragornMP GondorGandalf ElvenLegolas


So, there should be 9 heroes visible when I click on "Heroes" section, one of them being the CaH. But the problem now is that when I start the game, I can't see Gandalf's icon, to purchase him. However, when I recruit anyone of the Heroes, Gandalf's icon comes back but Aragorn's disappears. After that if I recruit Gandalf, the icon of Faramir disappears and so forth. I don't get what I did wrong. Please, help.