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Member Since 15 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active May 23 2017 10:26 PM

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In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

23 May 2017 - 10:26 PM

sorted out. thanks ^^

In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

23 May 2017 - 09:53 PM

Hi, I'm struggling to find a video that will show me how to use T3A: Online, so that I can play online with the rest.


I have an original CD, which works perfectly fine. I used it to install the game then used the "Check for Update" and it updated the game to v1.06.


Afterwards I downloaded and installed patch v1.09. From there I ran the patch switcher and switched the version over to v1.09. I then downloaded and installed T3A: Online.


If I start the game up using the normal .exe file that is setup on my desktop (like any other game once they've been installed) then I can't log in through main menu<multiplayer<online<login as I've seen through many guides before. :/


When I launch T3A: Online and select BFME 2 I get an error message stating "Unable to Launch BFME 2".


I have Windows 10 OS & have run the game countless times, while playing the campaigns and skirmishes, with no problem.


Please help me, I'm super eager to play this (g)old gem again, online. If you need more info about my situation I will gladly share.

