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Member Since 30 Jan 2012
Offline Last Active Jan 31 2012 03:10 AM

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In Topic: Thrawn's Revenge

30 January 2012 - 12:50 AM

This requires a fully patched installation of Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption.
Uninstall all previous versions of Imperial Civil War before installing.

Posted ImagePosted Image

...For Those New to Imperial Civil War...
New Era-Based Tech System
Play as the New Republic, Imperial Remnant or Empire of the Hand
Conquer Hostile Non-Playable Factions, Including the Hapans and Yevethans
10 New Galactic Conquests Scenarios
18 New Skirmish Maps
Over 60 New Planetary Maps for GC
Over 100 New Space Maps for GC
Redone Particle Effects and GUI

...Major Changes in 1.3...
A New Tutorial GC Introducing the Gameplay of Thrawn's Revenge
2 New Galactic Conquests
9 Completely Redone Units
10 New Units
Bonuses for Capturing Planets
6 New Planet Maps for GC
Hundreds of Changes and Fixes
[Click Here for a Full List of Changes]

[Installer - Mod Database]
[Rar Archive - Mod Database]
(Rar suggested for Steam users)
[Installer - Strategy Informer]

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If you have a question about the mod, suggestions for future versions or would like more information on the mod, please follow us on our site and forums, Facebook page or Mod Database profile.

We're looking for a modeler and texture artist to help with 1.4,
so if you're interested in the either or both positions please email ThrawnsRevenge@gmail.com . We also need a German translator, so if you're interested in that position, email the same address.