Basically, right now the goal of the game is to get as many points as possible before the game ends (The game ends when you have > 35 balls in play)
When balls explode depends on what kind of ball they are.
Red, green, and blue balls explode when they are close enough to enough balls with the same colour.
When red, green, or blue balls explode, they can set off a reaction with other balls of the same colour within their proximity.
Red balls are worth 10 points, green balls are worth 30 points, and blue balls are worth 50 points.
White balls explode when they are close enough to enough of their chosen colour. White balls choose a colour based on whatever ball they hit first, and they also attract this colour ball. White balls can also set off a reaction with balls of their chosen colour within their proximity.
White balls are worth 80 points.
Black balls explode after 10 seconds, setting off a reaction with any balls within their proximity.
Black balls are worth 150 points.
And finally, purple balls explode after 10 seconds. Purple balls attract all other balls very strongly before they explode, but set off no reactions themselves.
Purple balls aren't worth any points.
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Member Since 02 Apr 2005Offline Last Active Mar 14 2009 09:32 PM
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In Topic: A prototype game
18 January 2009 - 09:08 PM
Well, you can always play around (left and right keys control it) and see if you can figure out what's happening, or you can read this:
In Topic: A prototype game
15 January 2009 - 11:54 PM
It uses DirectX, making that quite difficult.
Actually, I'm using HGE for the graphics, which itself uses DirectX, so converting would be especially painful...
Here's an update though, and another screenshot.
Actually, I'm using HGE for the graphics, which itself uses DirectX, so converting would be especially painful...
Here's an update though, and another screenshot.
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