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Member Since 04 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Oct 29 2006 04:06 PM

Topics I've Started

Making Shiny Objects

16 August 2005 - 04:03 PM

When you want to make your model look shiny and metallic, how do you do it so that it will look that way in game.

Modelling help

11 June 2005 - 02:56 AM

Does anyone know if there is a way to to take two vertices in RenX and blend them together? What I mean is that when you select vertices on different pats of the model, is it possible to have a plane or some object created between them to make a sort of ramp (like in worldbuilder)?

Problems with command buttons

02 May 2005 - 05:28 AM

Is anyone else having problems getting new command buttons into the game now that patch 1.02 is out?

Custom Title for yourself

27 April 2005 - 08:04 PM

I know this isn't a modding question, but how do you change you personal title for youself. I looked in my Profile information and I can't find where to put it.

Taking screenshots

20 April 2005 - 08:49 PM

Does anybody know how to take screenshots of the LOTR DVD's? I'd like to do this so that I could use images from the movie for my mod. You can't just do PrntScrn or Alt+PrntScrn. This does not process the dvd snapshot in the right way.