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DVD Player

Member Since 28 Feb 2012
Offline Last Active Feb 28 2012 09:09 PM

#877836 First 2012 media update!

Posted by DVD Player on 28 February 2012 - 12:40 AM

Will the common problem of Red Alert 2/Yuri's Revenge/Tiberian Sun involving Windows 7 Laptops with Intel Graphics Cards be solved? To be more specific, the problem affects the menus and the ingame somewhat. In order to actually see menu buttons or have things refresh after clicking something you need to minimize and the maximize again, otherwise you just get a black screen.

This problem has been completely unsolved for me, and I'm still not sure of its cause (not entirely sure if the graphics card is the problem, but that's a safe bet). But this problem has rendered Red Alert 2/YR completely unplayable for me, Tiberian Sun semi-unplayable (hard to get things set up), and even Dawn of the Tiberian Age is messed up a little with a similar problem (not nearly as bad, but still present). I know the problem has to do with this particular engine, so I was wondering if there was any plan to look into it.