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Member Since 04 Apr 2005Offline Last Active Sep 18 2005 09:55 PM
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In Topic: Bugs, Mismatches, and Errors. POST HERE
14 April 2005 - 11:28 PM
The SW Gen's (might be for other gens as well, not sure, only played SW and stealth since 3.0) Strategy Center has an upgrade with a missing description that can't be researched, its on the far right side of the selection window and it seems to be an infantry upgrade (appears in the bottom right corner of the spec op's cameo). The icon for the upgrade looks kinda like a round shield.
In Topic: Suggestions
04 April 2005 - 11:50 PM
the biggest problem is when playing against the AI. If you build reasonable base defenses the computer can't break it. they send tons of starter units (all they have) and all die. You get promoted and now you out tech them by a long shot. Just build super units and wipe them out. I can take on seven Hards on one team now, it takes me forever, but all I have to do is keep building patriots until I hit lvl5 then I build a load of carpet bombers and take out every base one at a time.
I get carpet bombed, satilite beamed, hits by scuds and nukes all the time (that SDI cannons great ], I've seen my allies use overlord tanks and other rank 3/5 units and buildings as well. Not sure why you not getting that (I don't even get hit by generals powers in the main game, so you can imagine my surprise when a huge red beam choped up my two arefields killing off 16 aroras, course his CC got hit by about 6 of my carpet bombers right after but still). And before patch I was getting level 5 rank easily as well, not sure whats up with my game.
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