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Member Since 07 Apr 2012
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Space Stations Not Going Away

07 April 2012 - 02:44 PM

I attacked Polis Massa with a few skiprays and shuttles and since the only units the rebels had were a group of y wings, I easily overpowered them. However, I then realized that I probably didn't have enough firepower to take down even a level one space station, so I swarmed the space colony in the hopes of slowly destroying it. Sure enough, it worked, and I retreated since I figured out from previous experiences that when you lose the space colony, you usually lose all space stations there when the battle is over.

When I came back with the same group, no battle was initiated and I conquered Polis Massa since the space stations were gone with the space colony, or so I thought. Turns out, when a rebel group of fighters and bombers comes to the planet expecting light resistance, the rebel level one space stations were still there, except they were blue and were fighting for me. I am not sure if this is a bug or something intended like taking over a vacant space station.

It's kind of helpful, but I am not sure if it will become annoying later due to the fact that two of my possible space station builds might be taken up by rebel level one space stations that I never intended to build. On the planetary view (when in galactic view, you zoom in on a planet), the two black boxes on the left that shows the first two space stations that you have built, nothing appears even though there are two rebel level one space stations there.