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Member Since 27 Apr 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 30 2023 11:20 PM

#913013 The Horse Lords - Dwarves

Posted by Naugrim. on 02 February 2013 - 11:23 PM

Erebor, the Iron Hills, and the Blue Mountains are the only three that we know dwarves lived in at the end if the third age (Thorin lived in the Blue Mountains for a while after Erebor was destroyed). Dwarves did at one point live in the Grey Mountains as well, but most (if not all) were driven out by cold-drakes. The survivors founded the Iron Hills.

Edit: There were seven dwarven fathers, who each began the main dwarven clans. One awoke at Mount Gundabad (Northern Misty Mountains),
two awoke in the Blue Mountains, and four awoke in the Red Mountains, far to the East.

#897637 The Last Hope of the Third Age 0.31 beta

Posted by Naugrim. on 23 August 2012 - 03:01 PM

I suggest a Gollum vs. Golem fight.