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Member Since 30 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Jul 01 2018 10:21 AM

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In Topic: I Wonder What The Foehn Origin Missions Are About?

01 August 2017 - 02:23 AM

If I had to speculate, the campaign would basically be Foehn (or proto-Foehn group(s)) doing what Yuri did in Act 1, building up while the other factions are distracted and manipulating from the shadows with covert teams while the army is still in the works. 


My current guess too is that Foehn has its origins in some cross-factional shadow cabal of sorts of the greatest scientific minds, possibly being as old or older than Epsilon, and Yunru is in on it, using the Chinese to develop their arsenal the same way Yuri did with the Russians. 

remember that rashidi is in on it as well, so the idea of a cross-faction conspiricy isn't too outlandish

In Topic: I Wonder What The Foehn Origin Missions Are About?

21 July 2017 - 08:11 PM

I'll put in my own two cents


Nobody home:

Foehn sets up shop in the ruins of kashmir, picking up pieces of the base and inhabiting them. As we saw in firewalking, even a MIDAS strike leaves husks of buildings. buildings with nobody home...


Kill the messenger:

we're thinking about this too linerally, think of the phrase "don't kill the messenger". Perhaps instead of stopping someone get out, we're helping someone get in. Perhaps an escort mission of getting an Epsilon traitor to safety so we can make use of them.


The Remnant:

THere are remnants of allied and soviet forces scattered everywhere. bring them into fold, and ensure we have the soldiers and specialists needed to carry out a war across the world.

In Topic: I Wonder What The Foehn Origin Missions Are About?

17 June 2017 - 04:34 AM


Once again though : Still no solid clue that Mental Omega Device will appear in Act 2 :v

There's an incredibly strong hint in the final Epsilon mission name "Babel", which might be a reference to the biblical TOWER of Babel.

And the Mental Omega Device is a tower after all.

The story of the tower might be significant as well. Humans built the tower to reach heaven, but God punishes humans by making them speak different languages so they can't complete the construction and scatters them around the world.


so perhaps it isn't about mind controlling the world, but something much more sinister. like collectively obliterating free will so you don't HAVE to mind control everyone.

In Topic: MO 3.3 // Overused/Underused/NotUsed Units, Buildings & Support Powers

06 February 2017 - 02:32 PM

Is it just me who find Stalkers spam supported by Rahn a pain in ass just like godsbane spam?
Without air units I found stopping them from cracking my defenses a very hard thing to do.

If you think godsbanes are bad then add kingsframes and maybe teratorns for AA support and you have yourself a real treat

In Topic: Act II Predictions - SPOILERS for Act I

06 February 2017 - 01:49 PM

What if "Libra's World" refers to the whole GW2 just being the vivid halucination / daydreaming of Libra who's in a mental hospital and about to be lobotomised? (Sucker Punch, anyone?)

I really do hate the "X is in a coma" theories that get attached to everything.