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Corey TR

Member Since 29 May 2012
Offline Last Active Jul 02 2012 06:03 AM

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In Topic: 1.3 suggestions

30 May 2012 - 12:07 PM

Just to clarify;

We (Thrawn's Revenge) did not search them out and get them to make the icons ourselves. Xizer is a fan of our mod, and since we had mentioned we were slightly restricted in what heroes we used because of a lack of existing images, he saw and then offered on his own to commission his artist friend, Kaytalin, to make them. Commission meaning he very generously paid her to make them for Thrawn's Revenge. From my understanding Kaytalin was willing to do it as a favour to Lord Xizer, who was willing to commission them because he was already a big fan of Thrawn's Revenge. She may have been willing to do them for free since Xizor had wanted them for our mod to begin with, however he wanted to make sure she was compensated for her work. I don't believe she's ever played EaW or is even a fan of SW to begin with.

If PR wishes to use the ones she has already made, it may be possible to arrange that depending on whether or not they'll allow them to be used in other mods. However, unless PR is willing to foot the bill for future icons I don't think you can rely on new icons being created specifically for it, though I don't know how much she'd even be willing to do any of them for other mods. It's one of the few instances where modding wasn't free.