First, the arrows ARE STILL PURPLE. Please don't tell me it's the asset.dat's problem, because it's not.
"As has been pointed out before, the Morthond Bowmen arrows are untextured and therefore show up purple (at least in BFME1). W3D Viewer shows that it requires the file, a file not included in any version of BFME.
So, to anyone who got these to work, what did you do for that?
And to Nertea, is this a mistake with the models or am I overlooking something incredibly obvious?"
I was told this is how to fix it:
"To fix this, open up the _skn file in a hex editor.
Search for .dds, replace it with .tga.
The game cannot use textures when they are referenced as a .dds in the model. It has to be a .tga, even if the physical texture file is a .dds.
But it did not work, the arrows are still purple.
Second, the units cannot move, they SLIDE. They slide around...How do I fix that?
My Morthond Bowman code:
Object MorthondBowman // *** ART Parameters *** SelectPortrait = UPGondor_Ranger ButtonImage = SFMortbow Draw = W3DHordeModelDraw ModuleTag_01 OkToChangeModelColor = Yes StaticModelLODMode = Yes ParticlesAttachedToAnimatedBones = Yes //specify options for static LODs LodOptions = LOW AllowMultipleModels = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_MODELS_LOW MaxRandomTextures = MAX_RANDOM_TEXTURES_LOW MaxRandomAnimations = MAX_RANDOM_ANIMATIONS_LOW MaxAnimFrameDelta = MAX_ANIM_FRAME_DELTA_LOW End LodOptions = MEDIUM AllowMultipleModels = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_MODELS_MED MaxRandomTextures = MAX_RANDOM_TEXTURES_MED MaxRandomAnimations = MAX_RANDOM_ANIMATIONS_MED MaxAnimFrameDelta = MAX_ANIM_FRAME_DELTA_MED End LodOptions = HIGH AllowMultipleModels = ALLOW_MULTIPLE_MODELS_HIGH MaxRandomTextures = MAX_RANDOM_TEXTURES_HIGH MaxRandomAnimations = MAX_RANDOM_ANIMATIONS_HIGH MaxAnimFrameDelta = MAX_ANIM_FRAME_DELTA_HIGH End //=================== MODELS ============================================================ // --------- With Bow ------------ // Bah, must come first even though all the other bow stuff is below the sword stuff DefaultModelConditionState Model = gumorthond_skn Skeleton = gumorthond_skl WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY ARROW WeaponLaunchBone = TERTIARY ARROW End ModelConditionState WEAPONSET_PLAYER_UPGRADE WeaponLaunchBone = PRIMARY ARROW WeaponLaunchBone = SECONDARY ARROWNOCK ; when upgraded to flaming arrow WeaponLaunchBone = TERTIARY ARROW End #include "" End #include "..\..\..\includes\" // ***DESIGN parameters *** Side = Men EditorSorting = UNIT ThreatLevel = 1.0 ThingClass = HORDE_UNIT CommandPoints = 4 BountyValue = GONDOR_RANGER_BOUNTY_VALUE TransportSlotCount = TRANSPORTSLOTCOUNT_UNIT WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY MortBowmanBow Weapon = TERTIARY MortBowmanBowBombard AutoChooseSources = TERTIARY FROM_PLAYER FROM_SCRIPT ; Not from AI. End WeaponSet Conditions = CLOSE_RANGE CONTESTING_BUILDING Weapon = PRIMARY MortBowmanBow Weapon = SECONDARY GondorRangerSword Weapon = TERTIARY MortBowmanBowBombard OnlyAgainst = PRIMARY STRUCTURE AutoChooseSources = TERTIARY FROM_PLAYER FROM_SCRIPT ; Not from AI. End ArmorSet Conditions = None Armor = MortArmor DamageFX = NormalDamageFX End ArmorSet Conditions = PLAYER_UPGRADE Armor = MortHeavyArmor DamageFX = NormalDamageFX End // Gondor Ranger is no longer eligible for this upgrade. //ArmorSet // Conditions = PLAYER_UPGRADE // Armor = HeavyArmor // DamageFX = NormalDamageFX //End VisionRange = GONDOR_RANGER_VISION_RANGE ShroudClearingRange = SHROUD_CLEAR_STANDARD VisionSide = 35% VisionRear = 25% MaxVisionBonusPercent = 300% VisionBonusTestRadius = 200 VisionBonusPercentPerFoot = 2.0% DisplayName = OBJECT:GondorRanger CrushableLevel = 0 //What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CrushRevengeWeapon = RangedInfantryCrushRevenge CommandSet = GondorRangerCommandSet // *** AUDIO Parameters *** VoiceAttack = RangerVoiceAttack VoiceAttackAir = RangerVoiceAttack VoiceAttackCharge = RangerVoiceAttack VoiceAttackMachine = RangerVoiceAttack VoiceAttackStructure = RangerVoiceAttackBuilding VoiceEnterStateAttack = RangerVoiceEnterStateAttack VoiceEnterStateAttackCharge = RangerVoiceEnterStateAttack VoiceEnterStateAttackMachine = RangerVoiceEnterStateAttackBuilding VoiceEnterStateAttackStructure = RangerVoiceEnterStateAttackBuilding VoiceCreated = RangerVoiceSalute VoiceFullyCreated = RangerVoiceSalute VoiceGuard = RangerVoiceMove VoiceMove = RangerVoiceMove VoiceMoveToCamp = RangerVoiceMoveCamp VoiceMoveWhileAttacking = RangerVoiceDisengage VoiceEnterStateMove = RangerVoiceEnterStateMove VoiceEnterStateMoveToCamp = RangerVoiceEnterStateMoveCamp VoiceEnterStateMoveWhileAttacking = RangerVoiceEnterStateDisengage VoicePriority = 43 VoiceRetreatToCastle = RangerVoiceRetreat VoiceEnterStateRetreatToCastle = RangerVoiceEnterStateRetreat VoiceSelect = RangerVoiceSelectMS VoiceSelectBattle = RangerVoiceSelectBattle SoundImpact = ImpactHorse CrowdResponseKey = GoodMen UnitSpecificSounds VoiceGarrison = RangerVoiceGarrison ;VoiceCreatedFromInn = TEMP_RangerVoiceSaluteInn ;VoiceFullyCreatedFromInn = TEMP_RangerVoiceSaluteInn VoiceEnterUnitElvenTransportShip = DunedainVoiceMoveShip VoiceInitiateCaptureBuilding = DunedainVoiceCaptureBuilding VoiceMoveToTrees = RangerVoiceMoveTrees VoiceEnterStateMoveToTrees = RangerVoiceEnterStateMoveTrees ;VoiceEnterStateInitiateCaptureBuilding = End #include "..\..\..\includes\" Behavior = LargeGroupAudioUpdate ModuleTag_LGAU // Tie into LargeGroupAudio system Key = Humanoid_Male Man Man_Male Unit Infantry Ranger End ClientBehavior = ModelConditionAudioLoopClientBehavior ModuleTag_foo ModelCondition = Required:RAISING_FLAG Excluded:DYING ENGAGED Sound:EmotionMenGoodCompilationBFME1and2VoxTauntSinglesLoop End ClientBehavior = AnimationSoundClientBehavior ModuleTag_AnimAudioBehavior MaxUpdateRangeCap = 800 AnimationSound = Sound:ArrowDrawBow Animation:GURanger_SKL.GURanger_ATKD1 Frames:7 AnimationSound = Sound:ArrowDrawBow Animation:GURanger_SKL.GURanger_ATKD2 Frames:17 AnimationSound = Sound:SwordShingClean1ForHordes Animation:GURanger_SKL.GURanger_STHA Frames:10 AnimationSound = Sound:SwordIntoScabbard1ForHordes Animation:GURanger_SKL.GURanger_STHB Frames:6 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:GURanger_SKL.GURanger_LNDA Frames:4 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:GURanger_SKL.GURanger_LNDB Frames:5 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:GURanger_SKL.GURanger_DIEA Frames:50 AnimationSound = Sound:BodyFallGenericNoArmor Animation:GURanger_SKL.GURanger_DIEB Frames:51 End // *** ENGINEERING Parameters *** RadarPriority = UNIT KindOf = GONDOR_RANGER_KINDOF CamouflageDetectionMultiplier = CAMOUFLAGE_DETECTION_DISTANCE_SHEDIUM Body = ActiveBody ModuleTag_02 CheerRadius = EMOTION_CHEER_RADIUS MaxHealth = SFMOTHOND_ARCHER_HEALTH MaxHealthDamaged = SFMOTHOND_ARCHER_HEALTH_DAMAGED BurningDeathBehavior = Yes BurningDeathFX = FX_InfantryBurningFlame DodgePercent = 50% End // Fire arrow upgrade Behavior = WeaponSetUpgrade ModuleTag_WeaponSetUpgradeTag TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorFireArrows End Behavior = ArmorUpgrade ModuleTag_ArmorUpgrade TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorHeavyArmor End Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade ModuleTag_HeavyArmorUpgrade TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorHeavyArmor UpgradeTexture = gumorthond2.tga 0 gumothond2ha.tga RecolorHouse = Yes ExcludeSubobjects = FireArowTip End Behavior = SubObjectsUpgrade FireArrows_Upgrade TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorFireArrows ShowSubObjects = FireArowTip ArrowNock HideSubObjects = arrow End Behavior = AIUpdateInterface ModuleTag_03 AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS STEALTHED StopChaseDistance = 562 MoodAttackCheckRate = 500 HoldGroundCloseRangeDistance = 40 CanAttackWhileContained = Yes AILuaEventsList = RangerFunctions MinCowerTime = 4000 MaxCowerTime = 6000 AttackPriority = AttackPriority_Archer BurningDeathTime = BURNINGDEATH_DURATION_INFANTRY End ; Behavior = HitReactionBehavior HitReactionBehaviorModuleTag ; HitReactionLifeTimer1 = 1667 // level 1 (light damage) hit reaction animations in ms ; HitReactionLifeTimer2 = 1667 // level 2 (medium damage) hit reaction animations in ms ; HitReactionLifeTimer3 = 1667 // level 3 (heavy damage) hit reaction animations in ms ; HitReactionThreshold1 = 0.0 // level 1 (light damage) threshold trigger ; HitReactionThreshold2 = 25.0 // level 2 (medium damage) threshold trigger ; HitReactionThreshold3 = 50.0 // level 3 (heavy damage) threshold trigger ; FastHitsResetReaction = Yes //If set -- when hits occur faster than the reaction animations, it will reset the animation. (like getting riddled with machine gun bullets) ; End LocomotorSet Locomotor = HumanLocomotor Condition = SET_NORMAL Speed = 50 ; ; NORMAL_GOOD_INFANTRY_MEMBER_SPEED End LocomotorSet Locomotor = HumanWanderLocomotor Condition = SET_WANDER Speed = 50 ; ; NORMAL_GOOD_INFANTRY_MEMBER_SPEED End LocomotorSet Locomotor = BurningDeathLocomotorInfantry Condition = SET_BURNINGDEATH Speed = BURNINGDEATH_WANDERSPEED_INFANTRY End Behavior = DualWeaponBehavior ModuleTag_13 SwitchWeaponOnCloseRangeDistance = 24 End Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_04 GravityMult = 1.0 End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_05 DeathTypes = ALL -KNOCKBACK -FADED SinkDelay = 3000 SinkRate = 0.40 // in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 15000 Sound = INITIAL HumanVoiceDie DeathFlags = DEATH_1 End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_FadeDeath DeathTypes = NONE +FADED FadeDelay = 0 FadeTime = 5000 DestructionDelay = 5000 DeathFlags = DEATH_2 FX = INITIAL FX_UnSummonElvenAllies End Behavior = SlowDeathBehavior ModuleTag_07 // Same as normal death, but no sound (sound already played by SoundImpact = ... ) DeathTypes = NONE +KNOCKBACK SinkDelay = 3000 SinkRate = 0.40 // in Dist/Sec DestructionDelay = 15000 End Behavior = SquishCollide ModuleTag_06 //nothing End // GondorRanger Behavior = HordeMemberCollide ModuleTag_HMC //nothing End // Module starts asleep, and wakes up when thrown. Behavior = BezierProjectileBehavior ModuleTag_08 // To tweak a Bezier path FirstHeight = 24 // Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain SecondHeight = 24 FirstPercentIndent = 30% // Percentage of shot distance control points are placed SecondPercentIndent = 70% TumbleRandomly = Yes CrushStyle = Yes // I don't detonate, I just hit DieOnImpact = Yes BounceCount = 1 // When I hit the ground, I'll arc again BounceDistance = 40 // this far BounceFirstHeight = 24 // Height of Bezier control points above highest intervening terrain BounceSecondHeight = 24 BounceFirstPercentIndent = 20% // Percentage of shot distance control points are placed BounceSecondPercentIndent = 80% GroundHitFX = FX_ThrownRockGroundHit GroundBounceFX = FX_ThrownRockBounceHit End Geometry = CYLINDER GeometryMajorRadius = 8.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 8.0 GeometryHeight = 19.2 GeometryIsSmall = Yes Shadow = SHADOW_DECAL ShadowSizeX = 19 ShadowSizeY = 19 ShadowTexture = ShadowI End
The Horde code:
Object MorthondBowmanHorde // This is required for garrisoned objects - please put in all objects. ButtonImage = WOR_IthilienRangers SelectPortrait = UPGondor_Ranger Draw = W3DScriptedModelDraw ModuleTag_W3DModelDraw DependencySharedModelFlags = EMOTION_ALERT EMOTION_MORALE_HIGH EMOTION_MORALE_LOW EMOTION_AFRAID EMOTION_COWER SELECTED EMOTION_TERROR EMOTION_LOOK_TO_SKY EMOTION_TAUNTING DefaultModelConditionState Model = None //InvisHrdeTmp5x2 End ModelConditionState = HORDE_EMPTY Model = None End ModelConditionState = WORLD_BUILDER Model = HordeMarkGURan End End Side = Men EditorSorting = UNIT EmotionRange = 240 DisplayName = OBJECT:MorthondBowman DisplayNameStrategic = CONTROLBAR:LW_Unit_MorthondBowmanHorde DescriptionStrategic = CONTROLBAR:ConstructMorthondBowmanHorde WeaponSet Conditions = None Weapon = PRIMARY GondorRangerMissileHordeRangefinder Weapon = TERTIARY GondorRangerMissileHordeRangefinderBombard AutoChooseSources = TERTIARY FROM_PLAYER FROM_SCRIPT ; Not AI. End // *** AUDIO Parameters *** // Note: Don't put voice parameters here -- they will be ignored. Voice play requests // are always passed through to members #include "..\..\..\includes\" BuildCost = 190 BuildTime = GONDOR_ARCHER_BUILDTIME VisionRange = GONDOR_RANGER_HORDE_VISION_RANGE ShroudClearingRange = GONDOR_RANGER_HORDE_SHROUD_RANGE VisionSide = 50% VisionRear = 25% MaxVisionBonusPercent = 300% VisionBonusTestRadius = 200 VisionBonusPercentPerFoot = 1.0% CommandPoints = 60 ; ;60 CrushableLevel = 0 //What am I?: 0 = for infantry, 1 = for trees, 2 = general vehicles CrusherLevel = 0 UseCrushAttack = No ;Archer hordes cannot crush or Bombard will not work FormationWidth = 2 // Width it occupies in formations. Current choices are 1 or 2. FormationDepth = 1 // Depth it occupies in formations. Current choices are 1 or 2. TransportSlotCount = TRANSPORTSLOTCOUNT_SMALL_HORDE KindOf = SELECTABLE CAN_ATTACK ATTACK_NEEDS_LINE_OF_SIGHT INFANTRY HORDE ARCHER ARMY_SUMMARY LARGE_RECTANGLE_PATHFIND//UNATTACKABLE Body = ImmortalBody ModuleTag_ImmortalBody MaxHealth = 1 End ThreatLevel = GONDOR_RANGER_HORDE_THREAT ThreatBreakdown GondorRangerHorde_DetailedThreat AIKindOf = ARCHER End #include "..\..\..\includes\" Behavior = StancesBehavior ModuleTag_StancesBehavior StanceTemplate = ArcherHorde End Behavior = HordeAIUpdate ModuleTag_HordeAIUpdate AutoAcquireEnemiesWhenIdle = Yes ATTACK_BUILDINGS STEALTHED MoodAttackCheckRate = 500 MaxCowerTime = 5000 MinCowerTime = 3000 CanAttackWhileContained = Yes // Can fire out of garrisoned building AILuaEventsList = InfantryFunctions AttackPriority = AttackPriority_Archer End Behavior = HordeContain ModuleTag_HordeContain FrontAngle = 270 FlankedDelay = 2000 ObjectStatusOfContained = InitialPayload = MorthondBowman 12 Slots = 10 PassengerFilter = NONE +INFANTRY ShowPips = No ThisFormationIsTheMainFormation = Yes //Used to determine which armorset to use (and anything else we want!) RandomOffset=X:4 Y:4 MeleeBehavior = Amoeba End // Banner Carrier info BannerCarriersAllowed = southernfiefdominfantrybanner // types of units that are allowed as banner carriers BannerCarrierPosition = UnitType:MorthondBowman Pos:X:70.0 Y:0.0 // (DEFAULT) position of banner carrier // Positions for 5 RankInfo = RankNumber:1 UnitType:MorthondBowman Position:X:50 Y:0 Position:X:50 Y:20 Position:X:50 Y:-20 Position:X:50 Y:40 Position:X:50 Y:-40 RankInfo = RankNumber:2 UnitType:MorthondBowman Position:X:30 Y:0 Leader 1 0 Position:X:0 Y:25 Leader 1 1 Position:X:0 Y:-25 Leader 1 2 Position:X:0 Y:50 Leader 1 3 Position:X:0 Y:-50 Leader 1 4 RankInfo = RankNumber:3 UnitType:MorthondBowman Position:X:10 Y:0 Leader 2 0 Position:X:10 Y:20 Leader 2 1 Position:X:10 Y:-20 Leader 2 2 Position:X:10 Y:40 Leader 2 3 Position:X:10 Y:-40 Leader 2 4 RanksToReleaseWhenAttacking = 1 2 3 MeleeAttackLeashDistance = 1 //How far the hordes can move from the center of the horde when melee attacking. BackUpMinDelayTime = 1 //The minimum amount of time to delay before backing up BackUpMaxDelayTime = 3000 //The maximum amount of time to delay before backing up BackUpMinDistance = 1 //The minimum number of cells to backup BackUpMaxDistance = 3 //The maximum number of cells to backup BackupPercentage = 80% //The amount of chance that a unit will back up. End #include "..\..\..\includes\" Behavior = PhysicsBehavior ModuleTag_PhysicsBehavior GravityMult = 1.0 End Behavior = EmotionTrackerUpdate Module_EmotionTracker TauntAndPointDistance = INFANTRY_TAUNT_POINT_RADIUS // max distance to taunted/pointed objet TauntAndPointUpdateDelay = 1000 // how often scan (milliseconds) TauntAndPointExcluded = NONE AfraidOf = EMOTION_AFRAIDOF_OBJECTFILTER AlwaysAfraidOf = EMOTION_ALWAYS_AFRAIDOF_OBJECTFILTER PointAt = EMOTION_POINTAT_OBJECTFILTER HeroScanDistance = 150 FearScanDistance = ARCHER_FEAR_SCAN_RADIUS AddEmotion = Terror_Base AddEmotion = Doom_Base AddEmotion = BraceForBeingCrushed_Base AddEmotion = UncontrollableFear_Base AddEmotion = FearIdle_Base AddEmotion = FearBusy_Base AddEmotion = Point_Base //Rangers are very stoic and do not taunt. - //AddEmotion = OVERRIDE Taunt_Base //AttributeModifier = GondorFighterTaunt //End AddEmotion = CheerIdle_Base AddEmotion = CheerBusy_Base AddEmotion = HeroCheerIdle_Base AddEmotion = HeroCheerBusy_Base AddEmotion = Alert_Base End LocomotorSet Locomotor = NormalRangedHordeLocomotor Condition = SET_NORMAL Speed = NORMAL_GOOD_INFANTRY_HORDE_SPEED End CommandSet = MorthondBowmanHordeCommandSet Behavior = UnpauseSpecialPowerUpgrade ModuleTag_LongShotUnpause SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityMenLongShot TriggeredBy = Upgrade_ObjectLevel2 End Behavior = ProductionUpdate ProductionUpdateModuleTag GiveNoXP = Yes End Behavior = LevelUpUpgrade ModuleTag_BasicTraining TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorBasicTraining LevelsToGain = 1 LevelCap = 2 End Behavior = StatusBitsUpgrade ModuleTag_ProductionLegality TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorFireArrows End Behavior = StatusBitsUpgrade ModuleTag_ProductionLegality2 TriggeredBy = Upgrade_GondorHeavyArmor End Behavior = PickupStuffUpdate ModuleTag_PickupStuffUpdate SkirmishAIOnly = Yes StuffToPickUp = NONE +CRATE ScanRange = 200 ScanIntervalSeconds = 0.5 End ///////////////////// // AISpecialPowers ///////////////////// Behavior = AISpecialPowerUpdate GondorRangerHordeCaptureBuildingAI CommandButtonName = Command_CaptureBuilding SpecialPowerAIType = AI_SPECIAL_POWER_CAPTURE_BUILDING End Geometry = BOX GeometryMajorRadius = 20.0 GeometryMinorRadius = 60.0 GeometryHeight = 10.0 GeometryIsSmall = No // *** AUTO RESOLVE DATA *** AutoResolveUnitType = AutoResolveUnit_Archer AutoResolveCombatChain = AutoResolve_ArcherCombatChain AutoResolveBody = AutoResolve_GondorRangerHordeBody AutoResolveArmor Armor = AutoResolve_GondorRangerArmor End AutoResolveWeapon RequiredUpgrades = Upgrade_GondorFireArrows Weapon = AutoResolve_GondorRangerUpgradedWeapon End AutoResolveWeapon ExcludedUpgrades = Upgrade_GondorFireArrows Weapon = AutoResolve_GondorRangerWeapon End WorldMapArmoryUpgradesAllowed = Upgrade_GondorBasicTraining Upgrade_GondorFireArrows Upgrade_GondorHeavyArmor End
"As has been pointed out before, the Morthond Bowmen arrows are untextured and therefore show up purple (at least in BFME1). W3D Viewer shows that it requires the file, a file not included in any version of BFME.
So, to anyone who got these to work, what did you do for that?
And to Nertea, is this a mistake with the models or am I overlooking something incredibly obvious?"