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Morgul Orc

Member Since 30 Jan 2017
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2021 09:56 PM

Topics I've Started

Voices for the Witchking w/o bg movie noises

04 July 2021 - 12:29 PM

This is definitely by no means a priority suggestion but I thought since there are already 3 WK voice files from bfme1 (Minas Tirith campaign mission) without background movie noises, I thought it would be better to replace the current ones. Those voices lines are:

1: Do not come between a Nazgul and his prey.

2: Feast on his flesh

3: You fool, no man can kill me, die now.


Of course the last voice file can be divided and cut into 3 like the current WK :)

I am unsure if there anymore WK voices files w/o bg noises unless its from another LotR game.

CAH additions

26 February 2021 - 06:37 PM

Hello everyone!



I shared this topic in modb but I thought it would be more appropriate here to discuss!


While I understand it may not be a priority now duo to effort and work going to the new haradwith faction

and other changes like with isengard and etc, I thought it would be a fun idea to make some additions to CAH.
I don't mind them staying OP as they are as imo, they are used for fun purposes and enjoyment.

I think adding more variety of different powers and abilities would be fun for players to choose from.

I do understand that some abilities cannot be added to a certain class like breathing fire to say a orc or men CAH.

But I do think there can be some more cool abilities to add.


One suggestion would be adding some cool different elemental abilities to the wizard class.

Adding different elements like wind, lightning, fire, ice specific can be cool. As in you can make a wizard hero with only one elemental abilities.

In addition, sadly the animation of the wizard class when using abilities is not matching, not to mention power like lightning is not the same as Saruman's or even Gandalf.


Another suggestion would be to add a few more classes, like a Black Numenorian class or a different Elf class, perhaps a warrior and not just an archer.

Some other things can be cool like a dragon or some creature hero like spiders but I know I am asking too much haha :laugh:


I am interested to hear everyone's thoughts and suggestions :)