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Member Since 31 Jan 2017
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In Topic: Zoo map with all units available

10 November 2018 - 01:48 PM





If the 3.0 stolen tech infantry art is still there, I can PM you the codes for them.

In Topic: Zoo map with all units available

05 November 2018 - 07:38 AM


First of all, I wanna say that I like your maps, thanks for making them from ~3.3.3 till now :good:


Can you please add buildable Kamaz and Heavy Kamaz trucks? and maybe sandbags, concrete walls, fences and watchtowers etc...?


Thanks  :)

Of course, wouldn't mind, but I need a specify list of what you want to be buildable, if it's cool. Also, the prerequisites for the walls would be just any form of Conyards if it's fine. 

No probs


I won't add these into the one I'm working too, but as a seperate map.. 


Here's the list:


Heavy Kamaz


Prison camp fence

Concrete wall

Allied, Soviet and Epsilon Guard Towers

In Topic: Zoo map with all units available

04 November 2018 - 01:53 PM

First of all, I wanna say that I like your maps, thanks for making them from ~3.3.3 till now :good:


Can you please add buildable Kamaz and Heavy Kamaz trucks? and maybe sandbags, concrete walls, fences and watchtowers etc...?


Thanks  :)

In Topic: Patch 3.3.4 Proposed Changelog

23 June 2018 - 09:10 PM

Haven't been here for a long time because lol Discord.


Are there going to be major fixes for the map editor? for example units not appearing/glitched, map editor crashing when loading certain maps, etc...


Also is there a way to make spectators able to see cloaked units without being forced to ally players, maybe perma-allying spectators with all players?


Last but not least, I had this idea of giving hosts the ability to force ready spectators for avoiding AFK situations, wondering if this can be implemented.