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Member Since 16 Jul 2012
Offline Last Active Mar 20 2014 05:27 PM

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In Topic: Rainy Science + Ivory Tower's Power

10 March 2014 - 10:48 AM

That's it, I finally managed to get what I wanted, perfect synchronization with the two powers. You'll laugh, I put DoCommandUpgrade in the hero file and not in système.ini :trickydick: . I misplaced as the level of experience in experiencelevels.ini. You are very strong, better than me greatly. :)


Thanks a lot Ridder Geel, issue resolved ! :)


NB : For two years I tried to get this ! ;)

In Topic: Rainy Science + Ivory Tower's Power

09 March 2014 - 09:44 PM

I'm sorry again, I tried but it still does not work.



Give the Object above the Command_SpecialAbilityFarsightRainyUnseen in its commandset.


I did not understand this, this is a module for commandbutton? Why are you telling me to put in commandset? XD :)



So your hero will need a button that activates the SpecialAbilityFarsightRainy power


There is that too, I think I already created. :)


I actually think that if you gave me all the codes as a result it would be better, because there was method code by code and I'm lost LOL. :)


Thanks. :)

In Topic: Editing APT Files

09 March 2014 - 10:58 AM

The math is not boring for me LOL ;), I graduated with a BAC Pro in Electronic Systems and Digital (in France) I know so well the binary, it's just the process used by EA which is which is enough weird and requires reflection. Actually easier to do, I understand better when I have an example and a result XD. ;) Could you make an example please? With the flag?


Edit : What is it please ? : PlaceFlagMove|PlaceFlagHasMatrix|PlaceFlagHasRatio|PlaceFlagHasClipDepth

In Topic: Rainy Science + Ivory Tower's Power

09 March 2014 - 10:44 AM

Thank you very much for helping me Ridder Geel, I tried your solution, it is true that the code that is clearer on. ;)


By cons I have a little problem, so I have the rain, but I when my hero out of the fortress only. This rain lasts 3 minutes as the classic power, then the rain stops, but I can not have it when I press the power button to see further. I done something wrong? I show you the code in full : ;)


CommandSet.ini :


CommandButton.ini :

CommandButton Command_SpecialAbilityFarsightRainy
  Command                 = SPECIAL_POWER
  SpecialPower            = SpecialAbilityFarsightRainy
  TextLabel               = CONTROLBAR:FreezingRain
  ButtonImage             = SBEvil_FreezingRain
  DescriptLabel           = CONTROLBAR:ToolTipFreezingRain
  InPalantir		  = Yes

CommandButton Command_SpecialAbilityFarsightRainyUnseen
  Command                 = SPECIAL_POWER
  SpecialPower            = SpecialAbilityFarsightRainyUnseen

SpecialPower.ini :

SpecialPower SpecialAbilityFarsightRainy
  ReloadTime		= 10000
  InitiateSound		= SpellPalantirVision

SpecialPower SpecialAbilityFarsightRainyUnseen
  ReloadTime		= 10000
  InitiateSound		= ThunderStrikesStereo

In Hero.ini :

Behavior = OCLSpecialPower ModuleTag_FarsightRainy
	SpecialPowerTemplate = SpecialAbilityFarsightRainy
	StartsPaused	     = No
	OCL                  = SpecialPowerIvoryTowerVision
	CreateLocation       = CREATE_AT_LOCATION

Behavior = DoCommandUpgrade Module_DoCommandUpgrade    
  TriggeredBy = Upgrade_FarsightRainy
  GetUpgradeCommandButtonName = Command_SpecialAbilityFarsightRainyUnseen

Behavior = FreezingRainSpecialPower ModuleTag_FreezingRain
	SpecialPowerTemplate			= SpecialAbilityFarsightRainyUnseen
	AttributeModifierAffects		= ALL ENEMIES
	AntiCategory				= LEADERSHIP
	AttributeModifierWeatherBased		= Yes
	WeatherDuration				= 30000 ; same time that ivory tower power duration. ;)
	ChangeWeather				= RAINY
	AvailableAtStart			= Yes
	BurnRateModifier			= -100
	BurnDecayModifier			= 20

Upgrade.ini :

Upgrade Upgrade_FarsightRainy
  Type              = OBJECT

And in ExperienceLevels.ini on my hero :

Upgrades = Upgrade_FarsightRainy

I done something wrong? :)


Thanks for your help. :)

In Topic: Editing APT Files

08 March 2014 - 06:44 PM

Thank you very much ! :) This is the explanation. Just a quick question about the "flag" for main menu buttons (six of BFME 1), I've seen "flags =" 192 "". This is why I do not understand. It is a bit or a byte? When I change (for exemple : 191) it's doesn't work. :huh: