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Member Since 05 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 10 2017 05:08 AM

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In Topic: BFME 2 (and ROTWK) crash on startup Options.ini is not the problem

06 February 2017 - 05:22 AM

I've tried to just start the game but it says theres an error. i tried using the compatibility with everything from windows xp package 2 to windows 8. it just never gets past the initial loading screen.

In Topic: BFME 2 (and ROTWK) crash on startup Options.ini is not the problem

05 February 2017 - 04:15 AM

Hello! I'm a bit late to the party when it comes to getting this game installed on a newer computer and I'm running into the same issue. Now, I know that this problem was solved, but my laptop doesn't have another graphics card. I just have the intel one. Am i sol? or is there something I can do?