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Member Since 11 Aug 2012
Offline Last Active Aug 29 2012 01:53 PM

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In Topic: Did Boris really die?

29 August 2012 - 02:54 AM

I for one, believe Boris got assassinated by Malver while playing around pretending that he's a soldier in Call of Duty.

^Genius xD
Maybe Soviet High Command was like, Boris is messing around again. SMH. Get Volkov, Boris is fired.

In Topic: Did Boris really die?

28 August 2012 - 02:04 AM

I say, Boris went camping and he heard a disturbance and thought there were Mirage tanks in the area again so he started shooting all the trees. The disturbance was actually a Brute mucking around in the nearby swamp trying to catch crocodiles. However the shooting alerted Shadow tanks that happened to be patrolling the area. They found Boris' campsite and while he was walking back to it they ambushed him. Boris didn't here the Shadow tanks' engines because he was too busy listening to the Red Alert soundtrack on his iPod.

In Topic: Pre-release Subfaction Design Ideas Thread

24 August 2012 - 01:52 AM

I was kinda worried about the replicating units thing. Maybe it could just be a vehicle with Mirage logic and shit tons of armour and no weapons. Mess with people's head xD. I think the decoy things would be pretty cool and useful in a PVP situation. Not too sure about AI.

Do the Soviets have any buffers/nerfers? Because if they don't maybe a simple unit like a Propaganda Truck that buffs attack speed and nerfs enemy damage would be good considering how much they benefit from mass tanks.

I might make a bit of nooby suggestions here and there cuz I haven't really kept up to date with the changes going atm :p

In Topic: Pre-release Subfaction Design Ideas Thread

23 August 2012 - 03:06 PM

Out of curiosity, does Epsilon actually have a unit that can buff their own units or nerf enemy units other than Malver? I think it would be cool if the Mobile Psychic Illusion came back but it serves a different purpose.

Mobile Pyschic Illusion
Purpose: Decoy, Support and Confusion

This unit can generate imaginary decoy units which deal no damage but mimic the real unit. When the Illusion device is ordered to attack a friendly unit, it creates two copies of that unit. The decoy will disappear after 1 minute or when the Illusion device itself is destroyed.

I think that perhaps the device has one of those ammo counters that the Kirov has to show how many more unit it can create Illusions of before having to recharge. Also ammo counters would make good timers on the decoys too.

In Topic: Pre-release Subfaction Design Ideas Thread

17 August 2012 - 01:32 PM

Also I was wondering, even though the soviet structures are out, would it be possible to give them a small non-powered anti tank defense? Battle bunkers are great and all but they cost quite a lot to make and take up space. Also it would be a good idea for the player to have choice between a costly structure that profits in the long run or a smaller, cheap but effective defense that is easily replacable. I got this idea from the Red Alert 1 with the flame towers cuz I was thinking of the allied turrets. I really loved the turrets back then :D