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Member Since 24 Oct 2012
Offline Last Active Dec 14 2013 11:06 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Voiceovers Discussion

28 October 2012 - 10:24 PM

Came up with some more lines, this time, for the cyborg's move catagory:
"The new age approaches."
"Under my own power, partially."
"The machine marches."

Also, two lines for the Ghost miner (if you decide you need more):
"To a new haunt"
Stealthed profits."

In Topic: Voiceovers Discussion

24 October 2012 - 04:00 PM

Okay, so, I was looking at the chart, and suddenly I was coming up with tons of lines (particularly for the Blizard Tank), so much so I had to make an account just because I wanted to relay them, so here goes:
"Blizzard Tank, ready to freeze."
"Just chillin', sir"
"Ready to bring the flurry!"
"C-c-c-cold as-s ice!"
"Let's make slushies!"
"Keep it frosty, Oscar Mike."
"The ice-tank moveth."
"Crystal clear."
"Respositioning holiday weather."
"Inverting temperature."
"Makin' an ice sculpture!"
"Put 'em on ice!"

Also, for the missing disguise line on the saboteur:
"You do know me." (Italics for emphasis.)