Hello, I have a few questions about using Remix .90 with worldbuilder. I'm trying to edit maps from zero hour and other custom maps for my own use on skirmish and I'm having a lot of trouble trying to get what I want to do with it. For example, I'm trying to build from other command centers from Cybernetic General and Superweapon General that I have control over while at the same time playing Lazer General and I cannot build workers from the Cybernetic and Superweapon Generals command centers when I play on skirmish because it says you need to have the generals promotion to build from them. I cannot seem to find a way around this and I'm getting frustrated by it.
Another question I have is that I have edited some of this mods code in notepad to make the mod better for myself and when I do, nothing happens in the game play. I'm trying not to edit all of it because I don't want to make it crash on me. I only want to edit certian parts. I have read some of the tuturials on this site and others, but they don't seem to help me with what I want to do.