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Member Since 26 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Jun 03 2020 07:32 PM

Topics I've Started

Failed to load finalbig.ini

08 June 2013 - 07:59 AM

Whenever I try to open any .big file I get this error :- Failed to load finalbig.ini
every every type of .big 
Please Help!! :( 


Out of memory

27 May 2013 - 06:47 AM

why i get this error "out of memory" when i try to edit INI. 

King of the Dead/AI/Damage Modding

09 January 2013 - 02:49 PM

Can any one tell me that is there any mod in which there is hero named KING OF DEAD .. anyone know. And also can you tell me how can i make my AI Super Epic Insane ? :p
how can we increase the damage of units for Building so they deal more damage to building ..


Changing Heroes' Startup Levels/Experience

03 January 2013 - 12:54 PM

HI can anybody tell me that " How can i change the ranks of heroes like when we build saruman he is rank 5, how can i make it 10" :)