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Member Since 26 Dec 2012
Offline Last Active Nov 26 2015 04:02 AM

Topics I've Started

Arrows effect

06 July 2013 - 12:47 AM

I want to add the fire arrows effect to the Arnor Archers and the blue effect of the forged blades to the Arnor Soldiers. And i want to do the same with the blue effect of the silverthorn arrows with the Lindon Warriors in BFME 2 Witch King. How i can do it? I've searched for a tutorial everywhere but it isn't anyone. Help please!

Game soundtracks

01 April 2013 - 02:47 PM

I want to edit them.. where are the game soundtracks? In which folder?


Thanks for your time :)

Glorfindel skin

01 March 2013 - 12:37 AM

Someone knows where is glorfindel.dds (or .tga) in .big files? I can't found it.. 


In glorfindel.ini appears this:


			Model					= EUGlrfdl_SKN
			Skeleton				= EUGlrfdl_SKL


The .dds/.tga isn't in art/compiledtextures/eu ; or art/compiledtextures/gl


Can someone tell me where is it? :D

Make a HP/HI

25 February 2013 - 08:21 PM

I want to know how i can make a HP and HI for my hero Gil-Galad... how i can do it? Which program i need for it? There is any tutorial?

Replace models

07 January 2013 - 03:57 AM

How i can replace a model (in this case mithlond sentry) for another model?

The model that i want is in a Mod: Historias de la Tierra Media (Stories of Middle Earth, Arnor faction, Mithlond sentry).

I used FinalBig to open INI.big, and i replaced the elvenlindonlancer.ini for the other, but it doesn't work, the model still being the same, the default model of the game.

Can someone help me? i'm new in this...
