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Member Since 19 Feb 2017
Offline Last Active Feb 19 2017 11:56 AM

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In Topic: Concepts for New Units - Share your own, purely for fun

19 February 2017 - 11:56 AM

First of all, compliments for the great mod, I had some ideas for the Epsilon faction that I would love to share;

-Since Scorpion Cell uses chemical mixtures, I would love to see a mobile fast missile platform which would fire chemicals that would immobilize and slowly damage a single vehicle. Sort of like the blob cannons in the Incredibles.

-A chemical trooper for Scorpion Cell, short range but absolutly lethal to infantry.

-A missle battery unit which would launch multiple missiles and create a cloud of acids and poison which slowly damages all units that move through it.

-A tank for epsilon headquarters that can fire a single blob of anti armour acid which spreads into multiple blobs of acids on impact. This way this tank can also be used to create a minefield.

-A tank for epsilon headquarters which which can fire a parasites into enemy tanks (similair to the terror drone), it has a incredible slow reload and the parasites will eventually die.

-A tank for epsilon headquarters which can create a field of aggresive algea which slowly eats away living tissue and armour and that actually increases the spread of the goo. If it's not deployed to spread aggresive algea and actually attacking an enemy tank or infantry, the ammount of damage it deals will increase over time because of the ammount of aggresive algea increasing.

-A tank for psicorp which uses the basic initiate attack against infantry or tanks, but also has the capability to deploy and initiate a psychic blast.

-An artillery tank for psicorp, which when deployed has the same mindread capability as the psychic sensor and increased accuracy because of the mindread capability.

-A tank for psicorp which is called the beserker which results into enemy units which are attacking each other.