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Member Since 22 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active Jan 24 2013 11:08 PM

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In Topic: Commandos 2: Destination Paris - Official Discussion

22 January 2013 - 02:37 AM

Played BEL 03! Great work! Perhaps a second remark. The commandos are not able to shoot with the weapons of the enemy.
Plus is it possible to change the fact that the Spy gets recognized while running. This doesn't make a lot of sence for me. Why would enemy's recognize him if he is running and not while walking? If you think about it it doesnt make much sence. 


I think it's a matter of conspicuousness. Very rarely are any of the Nazis just running around unless there is an alarm blaring. I think that decision was a matter of immersion. In real life who do you pay more attention to: the man running by while everyone else is standing or walking or the man walking like everyone else?

Thank you for all the work you guys are doing! I check back once a week to see the progress, and I'm excited for the next major release once all the other missions are complete. :)