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Member Since 25 Jan 2013
Offline Last Active May 16 2017 01:20 AM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: New BEL maps

21 March 2017 - 12:19 AM

Goods maps! thanks :)

In Topic: ANM lost on file

20 February 2017 - 08:47 PM

very thanks Herbert!! 

In Topic: Commandos In Time

10 February 2017 - 08:29 PM

This if that is a treasure for us fans :toasting:  , it is really surprising your find  :w00t:  :thumbsupdrool:  Back to the past :popcorn:

In Topic: Drawing order soldiers, walls, vehicles

10 February 2017 - 07:39 PM

I would like to help you with your question / problem, but I do not really understand what you mean.
Do you want to add new "objects" to the game? But you do not know how to insert them into the missions.


10 February 2017 - 02:40 PM

The coordinates in the VERT block are relative to the center of the boat in neutral position. In Commandos an object is in neutral position when it's facing right, the center of an object is defined in the ANM file.


For example: In LANCHON2.ANM, the line SPRITE "LANB0006.RLE",-43,-116,0 means that the center of sprite LANDB0006 is at 43,116 on the actual image.


.VERT [ [ 250 0 ] [ 210 70 ] [ -60 45 ] [ -60 -45 ] [ 210 -70 ] ]

attachicon.gifScreenshot (133).png


.VERT [ [ 220 40 ] [ -60 40 ] [ -60 -40 ] [ 220 -40 ] ]

attachicon.gifScreenshot (134).png


And like the sectors of the navigation mesh, also the RENDERVOL and VOLCOLISION polygons have to be convex!


Thank you very much herbert, you are really fantastic!! :grin:  It's all very clear now for me...