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Member Since 04 Feb 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 03 2013 06:54 PM

Topics I've Started

Ring Upgrade

13 February 2013 - 04:19 PM

I was experimenting with RJs mod and noticed that certain heroes: Gandalf and Aragorn, could put on the ring and gain more power but be damaged over time.

I believe this could be a better solution to  having a Ring Hero who is the same as an already existing normal hero. 

Here is the code for Gandalf:

	;---------------------------- Ring Code --------------------------------

	Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveUpgrades1
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_HasRing
		RemoveUpgrade				= Upgrade_LostRing

	Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveUpgrades2a
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_LostRing
		RemoveUpgrade				= Upgrade_HasRing

	Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveUpgrades2b
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_LostRing
		RemoveUpgrade				= Upgrade_UseRing

	Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveUpgrades2c
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_LostRing
		RemoveUpgrade				= Upgrade_CorruptedRing

	Behavior = ObjectCreationUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveUpgrades3
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_UseRing
		RemoveUpgrade				= Upgrade_LostRing

	Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModueTag_UpgradedRingCommandSet
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_HasRing
		CommandSet				= GandalfRingCommandSet

	Behavior = CommandSetUpgrade ModueTag_RestoreNormalCommandSet
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_LostRing
		CommandSet				= GondorGandalfCommandSet

	Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_TimerConditions
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_UseRing
		;RequiresAllTriggers			= Yes ;only use me if you have multiple required upgrades
		AddConditionFlags			= USER_10
		AddTempConditionFlag			= ModelConditionState:USER_11
		TempConditionTime			= 100.0

	Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_RemoveTimerConditions
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_CorruptedRing
		RemoveConditionFlags			= USER_10

	Behavior = FireWeaponUpdate ModuleTag_WeaponCorrupted
			WeaponName			= GandalfCorruptionWeapon
			Offset				= X:0 Y:0 Z:0
			FireDelay			= 5000
			OneShot				= No


So is there a way to upgrade his model when he uses the Ring, so that he gains Galadriel's aura around him? This is Galadriel Aura code:

			ParticleSysBone = B_PELVIS GaladAura FollowBone:YES
			ParticleSysBone = B_PELVIS GaladAura02 FollowBone:YES


And also upgrade his weapon to the power of Sauron's Mace? I think I would be able to create this weapon I just wouldn't be sure on how to create an upgrade to make Gandalf use this weapon when he puts on the Ring.


EDIT:  Also, I was looking through commandset.ini with CTRL-F and couldn't find a commandset for Gandalf or Aragorn. Is it just a coincidence that these are the two characters who can put on the Ring? Does anyone know why their commandsets would be missing on RJs mod? I'm confused as I searched for the commandset named in the hero.ini file ("GondorGandalfCommandSet") and I even searched for just "Gandalf" and only something from the Arnor faction came up. What's even more confusing is that these characters still work in game so I couldn't have deleted these by accident. 

Ring Heroes

10 February 2013 - 03:41 PM

So I was thinking of adding a new ring hero: Gandalf (I know it almost certainly wouldn't happen in Tolkien's world but I thoguht it would be cool anyway). So I would have to create a child object in gandalf.ini and add him to the buildable ring heroes, but I have a few questions:


1).How would I stop there from being 2 Gandalf's running around at the same time when the Ring Hero Gandalf is on the map, but still allow NormalGandalf to be built before RingHeroGandalf is built?


2).How would I stop the RingHero Gandalf from riding Shadowfax, because a mounted ring hero would be too OP?


3). RJ's mod has 2 verions of Gandalf: Grey and White triggered when a Special Power is bought. How would I choose which version of Gandalf the RingHero would be, because Gandalf the White is already a child object with a whole new set of animations. Would I add these animations to the RingHero version too?



This is the code used to trigger Gandalf the White:

	Behavior = ModelConditionUpgrade ModuleTag_TurnWhite
		TriggeredBy				= Upgrade_HeroesofGondor
		AddConditionFlags			= USER_2



Hero Powers

08 February 2013 - 06:53 PM

Hello people,


I've recently been trying to add a new hero to the game and it was all going well until I tried to give him special powers. I'm trying to add a Forlong the Fat and I haven't given him any models or skins, he looks identical to Boromir at the moment.

So I want to give him some powers but how do I do this? I know I need to add them on the commandset.ini but what else do I need to do. I see a file called "specialpower" and I think that's where the powers go. But what files do I need to edit to add a new power or modify an existing one.


I think an example would help a lot, so what would I have to change to give him the Leadership power, for example. I'm currently using RJs mod so I won't be publishing this mod it's just for learning and I can't seem to find the leadership powers anywhere (except Eomer's).


Thanks in advance.

Making a new Building

04 February 2013 - 05:21 PM

Hello people,

This is my first post on this forum and I'm relatively new to modding ROTWK (I have been experiment by adding units to buildings etc) but I would like some help. I have currently installed RJ's mod and I was trying to add a new building on top of this: a Fiefdom Barracks, to allow Gondor to produce all the lovely Fiefdom units he has created, without using his inn system. 


So I created a new building ini fiefdom barracks, a copy of another one of his files "Arnor Barracks". I then placed this file in the Men structures (strangely the file is not called Gondor). I then copied the Arnor Barracks W3D file, renamed it "fiefdombarracks" and saved it in the art files. I then edited the commandset so my building could produce all the desired units.


But here's the problem I also added it to the porter file for Gondor, but when I try to open the game, it that this is where the error is occurring.

I'm guessing I need a separate file so the porter knows what to do, or maybe I'm wrong entirely.


If anyone could help me I would appreciate it greatly and if you need me to post any code I'll do that, of course.


Thanks in advance and I hope I'm not breaking any of the rules by trying to edit someone else's mod.