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Member Since 03 Mar 2013
Offline Last Active Mar 15 2013 01:07 AM

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In Topic: Contra 008 Progress

15 March 2013 - 01:08 AM

I don't even mind waiting and I am being thankful that people spend their time doing this. It was postponed so many times and ever since they always sow new hope just to make us earn even more disappointment.
It would be a lot better for all of us if they simply said nothing if they don't know when it will be released. But that way they might lose some fans who keep coming here every day or week to check if there was a release. They know this. That's why they still lie to us, to keep us here.

It's great that you are doing this. But I still don't accept being lied to. They don't have the right to do this, just stop calling release dates and deadlines.

In Topic: Contra 008 Progress

12 March 2013 - 01:09 PM

Just lies, I see these announcements going back forever, they never stopped postponing. They are liars.

In Topic: Contra 008 Progress

03 March 2013 - 04:13 PM

You guys are only lying to us.