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Member Since 22 Apr 2005
Offline Last Active Sep 19 2005 06:10 AM

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In Topic: Only War and Mod Toaster

26 August 2005 - 06:47 AM

It's out. :p


And already downloaded!

So freakin awesome!

In Topic: NEW STUFF !

26 August 2005 - 06:45 AM

It all depends where you located in the US. Cable is faster than DSL and vice versa in some areas of the U.S.

In Topic: Air Units

26 August 2005 - 06:42 AM

Even though there probably won't aircraft carriers I have the perfect concept for them this plane:

Posted Image

I wish it wa sselected, so awsome!


Ahh I remember that! That was one of the preliminary design for a naval version of the F-22 if I'm not mistaken. Been a while since I've seen that pic.

oh and just a litlle tidbit about the USMC: "Manoeuver warfare is a type of fighting used by the US Marine Corps, which allows the battle to quickly change on the go and in turn keeping the enemy off balance at all times"

"The Marine Corps serves as an all-purpose, fast-response task force, capable of quick action in areas requiring emergency intervention"

Article Here

Anyway getting back on topic:
The C-130 for paratroops idea reminds me of the Contra Mod. It had a C-130 hercules plane that dropped infantry when ordered to attack. Then it returned to airfield and load infantry automatically for free. It fits perfectly with the Air Force General.

As for the "Some bomber" that link.the.first suggested, there really isn't a smaller nor newer than the F-117. The F-35 could count but I think its alreayd reserved or being taken out.

Anyway the EA-18 and C-130 would be great additions to the Air Force General. The EA-18 lays down a ton of countermeasures while the C-130 goes in and drops the infantry, The countermeasures alond with PDLs ensures that the paratroopers land safely. Just a little scenario.

In Topic: Air Units

23 August 2005 - 09:31 AM

A Suhoki might be able to evade a decent number of missiles(which one has the forward-swept wings? the 37 or 35?)


The plane you're thinking of is the Su-47

Su-47 link

Anyway I have a suggestion for the Air Force General: An EA-6B, EA-18G, or EF-111 type aircraft. The Aircraft will release more flares and has twice as many PDLs of the F-22. It's sole job is to prevent too many missiles from hitting other aircraft. Launched ahead of the main airstrike, it'll saturate the area with chaff and PDL fire so that strike aircraft can go in, attack, and come out safely.

Just an idea.

In Topic: Only War and Mod Toaster

23 August 2005 - 09:17 AM

weren't we thinking of joining derelict studios?


Thats very true. I didn't even know Only War had a site till about two months ago. Thought they only had a forums.