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Member Since 30 May 2013
Offline Last Active Feb 26 2015 05:28 PM

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In Topic: Flag to detect easy/normal/hard/brutal game mode?

26 February 2015 - 05:31 PM

Attackmove...  this won't do.  It works for attacking enemy units (anything that moves or can fire) but not for destroying structures in a base.  I'm testing this with a team of different air units and the only buildings that will be destroyed are the result of splash damage when attacking units.  When all units are killed the attacking air units are just idling above the enemies base until a new unit rolls out a war factory which will be attacked and killed immediatly.


Tried all kind of attack variations (Team Attack Move, Team Attack Hunt, Team Attack Player, etc.) all with the same "no structures" result.


The only possibility that worked (as far as I tried) is letting each single unit attack a building, all one by one.  This won't do in the end because that way every single unit needs it's own attack script in where all possible buildings from all factions need to be defined.


Depending in what game mode I started the game, it only affected 1 of the 4 units and it was always the same one (forgot which one as I didn't look any further into this as it didn't do the job anyways).

Do they ignore buildings aswell in agressive stance, iirc you can set the production building to agressive stance and any unit that ventures from it will have that stance aswell?


As for the easy/hard thing. Could be that part of the scripting isnt working (right). iirc worldbuilder evolved out of the bfme engine and its possible some elements arent working anymore when it got repurposed for TW and KW. Or there are other prerequisites needed to get that part of the AI working.

In Topic: Flag to detect easy/normal/hard/brutal game mode?

26 February 2015 - 09:19 AM

Idd it seems so, you might be able to use attackmove instead and put a waypoint to the specific area, then use another script that triggers the attackhunt /hunt whne you enter the polygon area?

And yes in theory the difficulty settings 'should' work i guess. Have you tried testing simplisticly?

Create 2 waypoints..one goes left, one goes right. You disable Right for hard and left for easy. When you load your map select a difficulty. and see if that part of the code works by letting a unit execute the waypoint.

In Topic: Flag to detect easy/normal/hard/brutal game mode?

25 February 2015 - 12:00 PM

playing it as a custom map or skirmish map? Iirc there are some subtle diferences on how to set up the players and how they behave towards eachother.

In Topic: Flag to detect easy/normal/hard/brutal game mode?

24 February 2015 - 04:20 PM

Player status, top right corner...or hit the O key by default....tells you exactly who you are playing.


Doing in through modding..pain in the ass...you can probably create a map script that displays the sides as text....but it seems more hassle then its worth.

In Topic: Prism forwarding Part III

23 February 2015 - 05:12 PM

I would work of the obelisk code....use the beamcannon weapon and obelisk power up function as a base for the link.


Try to get the link to work by triggering that powerup specialpower from a fireweaponupdate in each obelisk/prism tower. I would actually spawn a invisible drone or dummy positioned at a apropriate link bone and give that dummy/drone the fireweapon update(fireweapon modules can sometimes interfere with friing animations, hence using a dummy linked to the actuall tower..have a look at the PAC slave/master coding). Have the weapon use a targetobject nugget to target other obelisks/towers...and a specialweapon nugget that triggers the beamcannon charge defenses specialpower module.