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Member Since 31 May 2013
Offline Last Active Jul 22 2013 01:25 AM

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In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

20 July 2013 - 03:09 AM

How DO vehicles do that, code wise, I wonder tho....


Looking at the code for the Juggernaut (GROUNDVEHICLES_A5_JUGGERNAUT_HEAVY_ASSAULT_VEHICLE.XML) it seems like the garrison code uses the following:


CanContainGarrison in the <Property_Flags> tag;

GARRISON_VEHICLE in the <LandBehavior> tag;


and then a group of tags that look like this:


<Garrison_Category>Infantry, Droid, Wheeler, Tracker, Walker, Landspeeder, Airspeeder</Garrison_Category>
<Garrison_Bone_Names>Garrison_00, Garrison_01</Garrison_Bone_Names>
Changing the values in <Garrison_Enter_Dist> and/or <Garrison_Radius> may change how far a unit needs to be to board. <Garrison_Exit_Dist> is probably how far the unit moves when it leaves the vehicle. Changing <Num_Garrison_Guns> should allow the units inside to fire on enemies outside, similar to the capturable bunkers (the bunker has a value of 8 for that tag). 

In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

16 July 2013 - 06:46 PM


*After winning ground battle I am loosing all of the ground units :O (Ord Mantell and Champala so far).

I'll look into it. Haven't noticed this before though on any planet I've conquered. You're playing as the Empire right?


Try invading a planet with more than ten ground companies surviving after the battle (you can do this with extra infantry and heroes, which don't take up any ground population). The game tries to fit >10 companies into 10 ground slots, and fails, which results in the loss of your units. 


At least, I think that's the problem. 

In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

12 July 2013 - 03:02 AM

How can I increase ship limit in space battles? 80 feels too little for me, I would prefer something like 120.

Is it possible to create a music submod? It feels like theres too little right now, ingame.


*Well with Space unit cap ive managed myself. Pretty easy :D


Use the <Space_Tactical_Unit_Cap> tag in Factions.xml to set the space limit. 


You can add new music. Put music files in Data\Audio\Music (make sure they're MP3 files). Then you'll need to add your music to the MusicEvents.xml file.

In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

29 June 2013 - 02:18 PM

You can give the stations hangar bays. The shipyards should be able to use the vanilla Empire/Rebel starbase hangar hardpoints, but for the research station you'll need to make your own hardpoint. The best bones to use for that are TARGET_00 (at the top), ROOT (in the middle), or TARGET_01 (at the bottom). Also be sure to add SPAWN_SQUADRON into the stations' Space_Behavior list if it isn't there already. 

In Topic: [SUB MOD] Phoenix Rising Enhancements for 1.2

25 June 2013 - 04:35 PM


The death of Prince Xizors family was caused by an orbital bombardmet.

I seem to recall in the Zahn novels Pellion/Thrawn having the Chimera fire a brief salvo as an example.


Gara Petohel (AKA Lara Nostil) from the Wraith Squadron novels had a backup identity replacing a farmgirl that got vaporized along with an entire village when the wouldn't  supply Apwar Trigit's ISD.

Warlord Zsinj bombarded a rebel base and wiped out a lot of Rogue Squadrons support personnel.


Pretty sure there are more.


Those were all Imperial bombardments, not Rebel Alliance or New Republic bombardments.