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Member Since 10 Mar 2017
Offline Last Active Mar 23 2018 06:25 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: Mordor Faction Plan

01 August 2017 - 06:25 PM

600 because it's a building that is immediately able to recruit elite units, Variags cost 550 because they are on par with the Gondorian "Anorien Soldiers" in terms of stats. And in order to get the Anorien Soldiers you need to build a barracks and upgrade it to Rank 2 which cost 600.
Their unit is fully upgradeable, has a boosting power unlocked after a certain rank and they can shred a lot of the cheaper units and hold their own against units of the same tier i.e the Anoriens and Gundabad troops.

I'd suggest to lower the Easterling rax cost to sth like 450 and Variags to 500 so that Mordor has at least one more starting build order. Atm you can only start with a massive Orc spam and have to stay on that for quite a while until you have enough stability to add Trolls/Variags/Siege or whatever.

Unless you specifically want Mordor's earlygame to be purely Orcs ofc.

In Topic: Install problem

31 July 2017 - 01:30 PM

If I ignore the errors I'm not able to hook. The check mark wont appear.

In Topic: Mordor Faction Plan

30 July 2017 - 07:39 PM


2 questions: Why is the Easterling rax 600 and what are the stats of Variags of Khand to justify their 550?

I'm asking cause that's a huge investment into a non-cav unit and so far they dont seem to be outstanding to me.

In Topic: Install problem

29 July 2017 - 09:26 PM

Got the same problem and cant run the installer as admin either.

In Topic: Misty Mountains Faction Plan

10 March 2017 - 01:44 PM


Wanna suggest a feature that I always wanted Gobs to have:

How about tainted land spreading from their tunnels that gives sth like a 20% speed bonus and maybe 10% damage to all units? Also maybe only allow them to build on that land. Would encourage aggressive expanding aswell as forward caves + emphasize the entire "we will infest their land" playstyle ^_^