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Member Since 16 Aug 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 30 2013 03:51 PM

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In Topic: Newbie seeks info

03 September 2013 - 08:23 PM

Hi guys, i carried on the study.

I'm studying the .mis file of Paris is burning (original version).


The page of the following link was helpful. However a file of almost 90.000 lines is not easy.




The files has the keywords. Every keywords has its own keywords (something like a sub-keyword). In the end we have the values.


.mis file

I noticed that the order of my .mis file and the order of the page mentioned above is not the same.


The order in the page is as follows.

.MANUAL_LIBRETA Manual_Libreta_TU01.msb









The order in the .mis file is:

.MANUAL_LIBRETA Manual_Libreta_PA.msb










I suppose that the order of the keywords does not affect the game.


The keyword .MUNDO has a sub-keyword named .BICHOS. According to the page this sub-keyword has the code of the objects: allies, enemies, beds, chairs etc. This sub-keyword takes the greatest part of the file.

In the file PA.mis (original version) I've counted more than 300 objects (and I haven't finished).


Objects' code

In the code of the commandos there is a big number of parameters named AUxxxxxxxxx. Some of them are:







I suppose that these are the abilities of each commando plus the items he can use. In the code inside the .mis file most of them seem to be null.For example,











What does it mean? Can we erase them?

In Topic: Newbie seeks info

29 August 2013 - 07:54 PM

I have opened the .mis file of Is Paris burning? (original version). I'm starting figuring out how it's working.


Let's me ask something regarding the Green Beret and the sniper rifle. Is it possible to make Green Beret able to use the Sniper rifle in a specific mission or the changes affect all missions? Currently, just a yes or no would be enough.

In Topic: C2 missions in C1BCD

29 August 2013 - 01:02 PM

In CBCOD the camera does not change viewwing angle. I suppose that this applies also to C2 missions adaptation.

In Topic: Newbie seeks info

28 August 2013 - 11:31 PM

Thanks again. I'll carry on my study and i'll be back later. I hope that the study will reduce the number of questions.

In Topic: Newbie seeks info

28 August 2013 - 10:59 PM

Thanks man. I started studying the files mentioned above in order to figure out how it works. I already have some questions in my mind.


As for your photo, it says INSERT SCRIPT HERE. I suppose you mean the script of both files.


What are the XYZ coordinates? The initial position of the commando?