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Member Since 21 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Apr 02 2016 01:58 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: BFME2 1.08 Spring Tourney Announcement

01 April 2016 - 11:10 AM

I wanna change my time to all day (00:00 - 24:00). Oh and I'm missing the patch on which we'll be playing in the start post ;)

In Topic: BFME2 1.08 Spring Tourney Announcement

23 March 2016 - 01:22 PM

Fr4nc3sc0NL / Francis Behnen / 9.00-16.00 CEST(Central European Summer Time) or UTC +2, 7 days

(Be aware 1st of april is after the change to summer time for a lot of countries so you might be in another time zone when the tourney starts)

In Topic: Fixing Connection Issues (Port Forwarding Guide)

15 January 2016 - 12:13 AM

I had an interesting fix today in our fb inbox where someone was experiencing connection issues even after port forwarding, but fixed it by setting his PC as the DMZ in his modem. I think this means your computer is somewhat more vulnerable but I'm not sure how big the security risk is. I'll DM you the conversation on fb @ICT, you may wanna add it to the original post.

In Topic: RotWK & Windows 10 Issue

29 August 2015 - 10:10 AM

Does BFME2, just the base game, work for you all? I just now stumbled upon your new images and are actually looking for something similar for the base game, because I can find no way to get it working without the physical disc inserted :/

In Topic: Its Been a long time who wants to play

19 May 2015 - 07:19 PM

just add our Skype group: skype:?chat&blob=K_a2YctrAug-J3yKcrQZeqmZohAt82ktVwTEz2tLgWISnzQjjvLyyxM8Y2T9W--au3d65UFUgdKsM5c (only works in Firefox and Internet Explorer)