I have no idea if someone will read this, anyway my name in game is: "kamikazeNB" / "kamikazeSVK". I am from Slovakia (middle Europe). I am playing MO 2 years, but 99% of that time is singleplayer.
I started playing on CnC net 1 month ago and i must say: MO community is best. Such nice people, no ragequits, no swearing, no azbuka, friendy players and very good communication. Keep going on guys. Nice
Anyway i am slowpoke in MO and i play mostly random, becouse i suck equals with all subfactions + as u can see, my English is just hilarious. My favorite players are Alstart and UprisingJC (nice streams, guys).
Propably this is bad place for this question, anyway i started play MO online about 1-2 weeks ago and every public game with 3+ players is laggy af. Even i have max 30 ms ping to host in game is slideshow. Thats only for the chinese lagging players, or there are orther reasons? (mby my potato computer...) Thanks for answer, becouse in this state is MO in 3+ unplayable.