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Member Since 23 Sep 2013
Offline Last Active Jun 29 2014 10:44 PM

Posts I've Made

In Topic: "2vs2 Springtime Tournament 2014" Group D - Unbashable, winner, House...

29 June 2014 - 10:45 PM

Attached File  tourney winner vs rp and minas.rep   108.46KB   105 downloadsAttached File  tourney_winner_vs_minas_II.rep   89.07KB   127 downloads

In Topic: "2vs2 Springtime Tournament 2014" Group D - Unbashable, winner, House...

21 June 2014 - 01:56 PM

We will not wait any longer for a guy that comes online once a week for 30 minutes.

In Topic: "2vs2 Springtime Tournament 2014" Group D - Unbashable, winner, House...

12 June 2014 - 01:20 PM

MINAS when can you play?

In Topic: "2vs2 Springtime Tournament 2014" Group D - Unbashable, winner, House...

11 June 2014 - 11:27 AM

We will be online today again and hope to find our two last opponents.

In Topic: "2vs2 Springtime Tournament 2014" Group D - Unbashable, winner, House...

08 June 2014 - 03:57 PM

I have played my share of tournaments and the most problematic thing here is that people can't communicate on the server if they have not added each other. Your steam group is your way of dealing with that, but it makes no sense to me to install steam just to msg someone. Let us do our thing and we'll get it done eventually.


Anyway, first game played:


Team Winner vs HoE


Outcome: 2-0


Isen Gondor v Rohan Rohan
Attached File  2v2_tourney_feary_psycho_v_duro_rom_I.rep   96.56KB   110 downloads


Rohan Mordor v Gondor Mordor

Attached File  2v2_tourney_feary_sammy_v_duro_rom_II.rep   145.9KB   112 downloads