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Member Since 23 Oct 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 25 2013 02:06 AM

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Mod suggestion

23 October 2013 - 08:27 AM

So here I am almost 10 years after the first BFME was released. Its an interesting game I just came across on youtube. I played the vanilla game a while, then I tried some mods. After playing with some mods I found that the vanilla game lacked difficulty even on brutal. After many attempts to install and get working your many mod versions I managed to get 1.06 working. I ran into some issues with the game crashing when setting up ai's as your added factions. This is a bit bothersome. I am imagining that your new releases have not addressed this issue. I noticed in the 1.06 release that "some" maps have compatibility with the beasts and rohan factions but there is no way in knowing what they are.


On the topic of difficulty, I played a mod which added extended wait times to building and army building. I think they made the ai a lot smarter too. Perhaps you can add some difficulty to your mod. This "difficulty" removed the faceroll ability which happens in vanilla games and makes the player defensive, where they need to set up base defenses first, attack second.


The mod I am referring to is called S.E.E. www.see.the3rdage.net


I like your mod for the added factions like beasts but it seems very easy to beat skirmishes against several brutal ai's.


I tried your newest Version 2.00 ALPHA but it was really limited so I uninstalled it. I tried to play 1.07 but it crashed a few minutes into my game everytime I tried to play it.