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Member Since 18 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Oct 15 2023 08:36 PM

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In Topic: The Horse Lords is on Moddb

24 December 2013 - 02:37 PM

Is the link supposed to be down? because it doesn't work.

In Topic: LWR Patch 0.14 is now up

21 November 2013 - 06:22 PM

The LWR maps are all under the Official heading and make up probably more than half of the list, all the EA maps are also supported.

Make sure you are playing against Hard AI because Medium and Easy probably don't work.


Actually, I only play on hard... weird, oh well just gotta get my friends to play it then ^^ (and maybe I should install t3a online (or whatever it's called))

Anyway, thanks for trying to help with my problem.


// It seems that when I play with more than one AI, they do work like they are supposed to. it's nearly like they don't register that I'm there when I play 1vs1... I feel offended :p //

In Topic: LWR Patch 0.14 is now up

20 November 2013 - 10:37 AM

Euhm, I am mostly playing on the maps specially made for lone wolf, do they count as "official maps", or do you mean the maps standard with the game? 




Have you tried playing against Rohan - I am pretty sure they do stuff.


Well, the things I reported are for all the races.

In Topic: LWR Patch 0.14 is now up

18 November 2013 - 09:21 PM

First off, I really like this mod of yours, with all the new units, better graphics and more, but the problem I have is that the AI doesn't do anything. 


Maybe you already addressed this somewhere on the forum (and it's quit likely I missed it, since I'm not that often on the forums (hell, I used to be a lurker, I only made a account just now :thumbsupxd: )

but the only AI that seems to do something is the mordor AI, and that one only spawns normal orcs, archers and the troll hero power.

In the case of all the other factions the general rule is that they keep spawning units till they have wasted all the starting gold on unit-buildings and units, 

after which they (I think) only use the gold generated by their citadel to spawn even more units. This is for all the difficulty levels. 


So the actual question is: Is this normal, or did I fuck something up?