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Member Since 22 Nov 2013
Offline Last Active Aug 07 2017 10:35 PM

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Lost connection after 1 minute of correct T3A Online

16 September 2014 - 02:14 PM

A friend of mine, who had the original game, installed the All-in-One swifter, and the T3AOnline.msi, and he could enter into the online without problems.


I installed in my computer the Online-Edition, removed the Gamespy address line and included the firewall lines with the port I used for the NAT portforwarding, and I CAN enter into online.

I can see my friend, and we can chat together. But after 1 minute of normal activity inside the T3A online server, my connection get lost.

I have tried it several times, and always the same. Always well, but after 1 minute, it appears a message:


Lost connection to Battle for middle earth II online, or something like that.


And it returns automatically to main menu. How can I fix it? Any ideas? Thank you very much!

BFME 2 the specified account or subaccount name wasn't found

13 September 2014 - 12:11 AM

the specified account or subaccount name wasn't found


Hello everyone :)


I have installed BFME2 Forshire's Online Edition, with the Patchswifter, the T3A:Online.msi, everything. I have entered into Online, and written my Username Piockñec, my password and a random Nickname (several nicknames), but my screen always shows the same error: the specified account or subaccount name wasn't found. May it be because of the letter ñ? How do you think it can be solved?


Thank you very much!

"Gamespay general error" when creating & cannot login

28 June 2014 - 10:41 PM

Some days ago I downloaded some custom maps from T3Aonline.net. Among these were "mission maps" like Fangorn Forest - Again and normal maps. I played them in Skirmish and Local Network. The problem arose when I entered into Internet and I wanted to play a custom 3 players map: I clicked on Custom maps and then a message appeared and said: "Gamespy general error: an error has occured....." or something like that, because it vanishes very fast. Then another error comes, who says: "The connection has been lost".


Then I tried to enter my nickname (PolloConLuces), but couldn't (and cannot) login anymore with it. Then the Multiplayer->"Internet" button was glitched, and when I pushed it it appeared the red of the background, or maybe the letters "The Lord of the Rings...", but nothing else, and I had to Ctrl+Alt+Supr.

Then I decided to play some game in Skirmish, and afterwards I tried again, and Multiplayer->"Internet" worked! But my nickname gave "The connection has been lost" immediately. So I changed it to another name, i.e. PolloConL, and then I could enter. But I couldn't create any game, because the Gamespy General error appeared and then lost connection, and then I could not enter neither PolloConLuces nor PolloConL without having the "lost connection" error message.


I tried several things: Taking out of its folder MapCache.ini, playing normal maps (not custom maps) in Skirmish, and I entered with different nicknames, but I could never create a game without appearing the Gamespy -> Lost connection messages and thus having my nicknames autobanned xD. Last trial I couldn't even enter normally into the Waiting room, nor the chatroom, without having a strange message: "Could not connect to the chat" or something like that.


Then, I decided to ask hahaha because I know I have asked lots of things... but the game is trolling me. And the new custom maps have extreme zoom like if I hadn't got the zoompatch (I have). But that is another different issue.


Some idea? :(

How to install new maps when using another language

24 June 2014 - 05:05 PM

Hi again :)


I am trying to install some of the maps you have created from T3Aonline.net! However, when I enter into AppData/Roaming/MisarchivosdeLaBatallaporlaTierraMedia/Maps, and I paste the maps there, they are not loaded in the list of maps when playing either skirmish, local network or in internet, and therefore they are unplayable for me.


In my ignorance, I think that the reason is that the language patch I installed from T3A online translates the maps which came originally from the instalation of T3A online and Forshire's online edition, but not them. Could it be that it is incompatible to have maps whose name and descriptions are in English with those which are already in Spanish?


If so, or if you think that the problem is somewhere else, how can I fix it?

Thank you very much!

NAT problems everywhere and dynamics IPs

09 June 2014 - 08:00 PM

Hello, thank you for all your help so far.

I have a strange question.


I have managed to put static IP and portforward my computer and my brother's.

However, I have seen that my triumph relied on my mastery at the operating system I used (and therefore I could find the Iv4 Internet Protocol and settings) and on my knowledge of my own router brand (and therefore I could find a way to put a Static IP, and the NAT settings).


The problem arises when all my friends do not know hardly anything about informatics, and I am a Master Hacker in comparison (and you know more or less what I really know). If I tell them to portforward their ports, they can stand two entire days in front of the computer, that I am sure that most of them will not be able to portforward them.


My question is: How can I get them to be able to play online using T3A? Is the only possibility to go to their houses and do it myself? (or use teamviewer... but without internet it is impossible (while changing internet settings by trial and error, which is my method xd))


Thank you very much!


If the only possibility is going to their houses, could you provide me, or at least sketch it, a way to portforward them in record time? hahaha I spent hours in front of my computer and my brother's computer to eventually triumph. Thank you!