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Member Since 30 Apr 2017
Offline Last Active May 02 2017 07:50 AM

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In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

01 May 2017 - 03:56 PM


Some update.

I've decided to use Deamon Tools Lite 10.5. I managed to install games, patches and mount MI-BFME2.mds on SCSI. The games no longer yelds no DVD-ROM Error, but crashes after start on loading screen.

options.ini was created. I tried compatibility modes, running as admin on each patch without success.

how did you mount  MI-BFME2.mds on SCSI? it doesnt let me do it on 10.5


I can select image and click Mount to SCSI.

Look in the settings. There might be option to "Try" this feature in Options Menu.

In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

30 April 2017 - 01:00 PM

Some update.

I've decided to use Deamon Tools Lite 10.5. I managed to install games, patches and mount MI-BFME2.mds on SCSI. The games no longer yelds no DVD-ROM Error, but crashes after start on loading screen.

options.ini was created. I tried compatibility modes, running as admin on each patch without success.

In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

30 April 2017 - 09:36 AM

After few attempts I was not able to install BFME 2 on my computer.

I have Windows 10 Home x64 on Lenovo Notebook.


Here are my steps:


With some problems I managed to install Alcohol 52% 2.0.3 Build 9811 (I had some errors during installation which I couldn't get rid of). I had to uninstall my Deamon Tools 10 along with manual removal of SCSI Drivers (I used this link: http://duplexsecure.com/downloads/).


1. I downloaded image from first post

2. Mounted image to Alcohol 52% (Virtual DVD/CD-ROM) - I don't have many options here.

3. I install the game with custom path 

4. At this point trying to run the game results in crash for not having DVD-ROM

5. I mount MI-BFME2.mds file image - at this point running game (lotrbfme2.exe as administrator) results in No-DVD-ROM Error

6. I install 1.06 patch - LotrBfMe2-65542-english.exe file.- at this point running game (lotrbfme2.exe as administrator) with either MI-BFME2.mdf and MI-BFME2.mds mounted results in No-DVD ROM Error

7. I Install patch 1.09 using bfme2_109_patch_switcher_setup.exe file. - as before running game (lotrbfme2.exe as administrator)  with either MI-BFME2.mdf and MI-BFME2.mds mounted results in No-DVD ROM Error


Are there any special options in Alcohl 52% I need to enable? When i r-click on drive name in Alcohol 52%, and then to Sharing I have Sharing: On