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Member Since 04 May 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 25 2018 02:28 AM

#1079426 Basics of Modding DoW1: The files

Posted by daxx367 on 09 March 2018 - 11:02 AM

First of all I am pulling most of this from: http://dow.finaldeat...DNWikiHome.html


It IS OUT OF DATE, like many, many years and several expansions out of date. But I will be trying my best to update and pull only relevant information from it. Also if there is anything wrong please correct me and I will update this post.


I am going to start with basics of modding, file types and there uses. Understanding this is required for modding.


.SGA - A proprietary compressed file, this stores all game data that can be changed. So anything that isn't controlled directly by the engine.


.LUA - A powerful scripting language, implemented in many games as an easy way to make changes. .SCAR files are based on this.


.SCAR - Scripting at Relic, SCaR files are used to implement game modes and other fun stuff.


.RGD - Relic Game Data (I think), these are compiled version of the attribute data that you are editing. This is what you will be working with for the most part.


.AI - Files for controlling the AI.


.Module - A config file for defining files required for a mod or expiation to load, more details will be in another post.


.TGA - Targa Image files. Note: All TGA files need to be 32 bit, with the alpha transperency layer on, else they will be replaced by pink in game.


.RSH - Texture files requires special tools to work with.


.DDS - Texture files can be edited by standard programs.


.WTP - Texture files, these are uncompressed, multi-layered textures that allow team-colouring for use in skirmish/multiplayer.


.RTX - Texture files, these are compressed, single-layered textures (basically a compiled version of a WTP with a specific colour scheme) that can be assigned to a player in a game via SCAR, or are used in skirmish/multiplayer when team-colouring is turned off.


.WHM - Model files, some one else can give the info on these.


.WHE - Model files, see above...


.SGB - Map files, made with the map editor.


.SCREEN - This is for UI layouts.


.RAT - Relic Audio Tool, sound files round 1, sound effects.


.FDA - Proprietary sound file, sound files round 2, a MP3 like file that requires a particular tool to edit. They are converted from .AIF or .WAV files.


.UCS - Localisation files, these can be used to localise mods without having to mess with game logic.


.NIL - Inherited Game Data, no idea what this does little information on this.



If there are any other files that you find or need information on please contact me.


Edit: Added .WTP and .RTX as per Kasrkin84's information. 


Edit 2: Added .UCS files.