can we add build limits to all Tier 3 units and defense buildings? so that Tier 1 and Tier 2 will not be neglected?
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Member Since 08 Dec 2013Offline Last Active Jan 29 2014 01:12 AM
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In Topic: MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS
24 January 2014 - 02:11 PM
In Topic: MO3.0 Feedback // BALANCING
14 January 2014 - 11:15 AM
Personally, I would rate both countries as follows:
Anti-infantry power: **
Anti-armour power: **
Anti-airforce power: ***
Siege power: ****
Economy: ***
Map Control: *****
Anti-infantry power: ****
Anti-armour power: ***
Anti-airforce power: ***
Siege power: **
Economy: ***
Map Control: *****
The US has poor anti-spam capabilities (just count the number of its area damage weapons including the generic Allied ones). They have to rely on being able to get to everywhere in the battlefield, and secure map control fast. Warhawks are great for map control. The Chronosphere-Basswave combo is a great friend for the US.
The SC has better anti-spam capabilities, better anti-armor (Speeders vs slow armor, Tyrants vs typical armor, Brutes vs OmniCrush resistant armor, add in some Adepts), and anti-infantry (Duneriders, Plague Splatter, Tyrant). They have piss poor artillery though. SC players can attempt to mask its weak armor by having Brutes + Archers. US players have less of such choice.
US and SC can still survive in a longer game, provided they keep their enemies occupied and harassed. The success of a rush strategy depends a lot on the target (his subfaction, and his mentality). SC vs US rushers can definitely keep toe to toe of one another.
can you also post your personal ratings of the remaining factions? so that we can really see how balanced are the factions right now in your point of view
In Topic: MO3.0 Feedback // SUGGESTIONS
07 January 2014 - 04:37 PM
I would suggest Demo Trucks / Bomb Buggies to be cloaked/disguised as your tank or something, it really hurts when a mercury uplink targets it at your base right after building or an aircraft shoots them down right after it goes out at your base
In Topic: The General Questions Thread!
13 December 2013 - 03:20 AM
Is there a unit faction that can repair aerial units like warhawk? , repair IFV doesnt repair them, repair depot is needed
In Topic: MO3.0 Feedback // BALANCING
11 December 2013 - 03:07 PM
Either the fire rate of the Borillos needs to be slowed or their armor should be weaker. The are wayy to overpowered, not to forget they are amphibious and with infantry like Pyros or Ivans in them they easily destroy all structures in your base :/
P.s. Please Ignore any spelling mistakes.
Dogs can clear out the package of the borillos fast, engineers can defuse bombs in buildings
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