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Member Since 14 May 2017
Offline Last Active Apr 30 2024 03:28 PM

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In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

14 May 2017 - 11:53 AM

I ws totally wrong, everything worked out great. It was actually the options. ini which was missing. I just had to type %appdata% in the explorer and create this option.ini. Maybe include this in the guide as an optional step. I tried it for quiet a while but never saw anything about this option.ini, probably my mistake.

But thanks to you i could play the game once again after so many years. I tried my first skirmish and lost horrible. It was mazing ^^

In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

14 May 2017 - 10:11 AM

Thanks for the very fast answer.
For the Installation of BFME 2 i only used the given links in this Topic.

I will search for a topic regarding the options.ini, hopefullyi find one.
and then install patch 1.06.

Back in a second ;)

In Topic: [BFME1/BFME2/ROTWK] Games Download & Installation Guide

14 May 2017 - 09:49 AM

HI there,

after trying it several times i now have to ask here for help. (BTW awsome that this Topic is still relevant after the game is official dead for so many years, thank you very much for your work.)

I use Win 10 with the newest Update. I installed the BFME 1 Online Edition from Foreshire and everthing worked very well.
Then i wanted to install BFME 2 but thats more comlicated. (There isnt an "Online Edition" of BFME 2 is it? would be great if there ever is such a easy to install version)

I followed the instructions but WIn 10 blocks the installation of deamon tools and therefore i used Alkohol 52% free edtion. Unfortunatly i couldnt find an option to mount to SCSI so thats maybe the problem but the installation went well anyway.
I mounted the Mini Image simultaneously to the other Image and tried to start BFME 2. Everything looks well at first an it shows the loading image but then the regular windows message "BFME 2 stopped working" appears.

I patched to Version 1.03 which went without error.
But the same message appears.

Would be great if somebody can help me. I want to play the game with friends on a LAN (best case with Edain or Elvenstar mod) but i just cant get it to work...